Wednesday, September 3, 2014

To Pierce Or Not To Pierce. The Great Bling Debate.

When to get your baby girl’s ears pierced….this was a debate I had with myself when I had my daughter. Seeing baby girl’s with earrings was so freakin’ adorable, I loved it but wasn’t sure what I was going to do. There is the debate of waiting til they are old enough so that they can make this decision themselves if they want pierced ears, is it “mean” to force them upon her at such a young age. I was back and forth. Then I recalled my ear piercing experience.

I was in second grade when I got my ears pierced. It was part of my First Communion gift that I could get them done and I wanted it. Like most girl’s who went to get their ears pierced I would up at Claire’s, in the chair right at the front of the store, ready to get my bling. But have you seen those guns?! SCARY. So clearly I wussed out. Peace out lady with the gun, stay away from my ears! 

First picture of her ears pierced! 12-12-12 
Eventually I went back. Time to suck it up. Good news, I survived!!! I still have pierced ears to this day and I loved it once it was all done and over with. But it was a frightening experience!! Recalling this, I found this was a common denominator in why many parents actually choose to get their daughter’s ears pierced when they were still a baby. They simply wouldn’t remember it. It’s like they would have always been there. I thought this was a valid point….she will probably want them someday and seriously….I really think they look so adorable. 

I made the decision and went forward to make the appointment to get it done. The requirements were she had to be at least four months old and be up to date on all of her shots. It was done at her Pediatrician’s office by a nurse that handles all the piercings. Cash payment of $25 flat which includes the special gold baby earrings studs they put in. 

Time to change earrings!
I was nervous for the whole procedure, hoping she wouldn’t hate me for this. But it was honestly a breeze! I think it was better than when she would get her routine check-up shots! The nurse marked her ears with a marker, another nurse and I held her down for the earrings to go in. It was one ear at a time, not like how they sometimes double team you in Claire’s. She cried. She was 5 months old so she totally cried BUT as soon as I picked her up to hold her, she started calming down and by the time we were walking out to the car she completely forgot what just happened and was happy and laughing!!! Went WAY better than I expected. Because she was so little, she never touched it or bothered with the stud. I would turn it and treat it but never had any problems with it. It was adorable. I was happy with my decision to go ahead and get earrings done so early and I was happy I did it at 5 months because at 6 months she was moving all over the place, rolling everywhere and it would have been way harder to keep her still at the doctor’s office.

New earrings in!
So earrings were great. I even changed them out after a few months and her doctor said it was ok. Got some new cute flower studs from Kohl’s. A pair of hearts and a clear cubic zirconia stud! It was exciting! I only changed her earrings when she was asleep though. When she was completely in a deep snooze, with ease I could take out earrings, treat the ear (I like to use coconut oil to make it easy to slip earrings in and treat the ear hole) and insert a new pair like a ninja and she would never know. 

Recently a few months back, I noticed her right ear hole got infected. So I treated it thinking it would get better but it wasn’t. What the heck?! I decided to put back in her original baby gold studs and the ear healed and had no problems. So a bit later I tried the old type of earrings she had been wearing again….and guess what…..right infection again! Gold studs back in. Tried sensitive earrings that are nickel free from Claire’s and that was another fail. Doctor said I should stick with gold. Ugh, my worst fear. Simply cause this eliminates all the REALLY multiple cute pairs I could buy for cheap because have you seen the cost of real gold earrings?!?!! I was going to be so limited!! She was going to have nicer earrings than me! Her baby studs are back in and I am expecting a delivery of a set of 10K gold earrings I actually got a great deal on, $30 for a three set of colored studs. Mind you if it wasn’t gold I would have paid like $8 for three pairs but I don’t want her holes to close up and I love the earrings.
She even shows her earrings to people and knows now she has them. It’s odd to me that it’s only ONE ear having this reaction all of a sudden but at least there is a solution. My grandmother can only wear gold so maybe it runs in the family. And maybe one day she will miraculously be able to wear cheap earrings again. For now, anyone asks what they can get my daughter for a gift….send her gold earrings! ;)

Give me the gold Mom! My ear hurts!
P.S. - Many people have asked WHERE to go get ears pierced and what age which is why I share this. Check your pediatricians office. My other advice is don’t go to the mall to get your child’s ears pierced. I read a phenomenal article that resonated with me about taking your child to a Tattoo shop!! There they are PROFESSIONALS, not a random teenager who was probably quickly showed how to put an earring in. They do piercings all day long. If your child is older, it is also an experience to show that people with piercings and tattoos are not scary and are nice, regular people. It would be a fun experience and you are guaranteed a PROPER piercing.

Also if you are going to get your child's ears pierced or already have and don't have these "safety clutches" for backings, I highly recommend them. They are a much stronger hold on the earring, it has prevented me from losing any additional earrings (I didn't have them at first). I suggest buying a pack like these at Wal-Mart at the jewelry counter. They are usually in the "Kid's Jewelry" spin around rack on the counter and you have to ask an associate to open the case to get them. They are maybe $5 for a pack like this with three pairs. They are also more comfortable for young children so the post doesn't poke them or bother them especially when they are sleeping!

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