
Quick, Easy & Healthy Recipe for You & Your Kids!

Tonight for dinner, I made a simple easy dish that I just whipped together with what was in the house. This is a good base and you can certainly feel free to add anything else in that satisfies your taste buds. The kids will like it too!
  • 100% All Natural Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • Fresh Basil from the garden
  • Green Beans, Corn & Peas
  • Feta Cheese
  • Smart Balance Butter 
For my portion I used olive oil instead of butter but my daughter is only 13 months and likes the taste of some butter. You can also add things like chicken or fish! How about some peppers? Mushrooms maybe? Get crazy, but make sure you get those veggies in there! Enjoy!

Juicing - Taste the Rainbow!

If you haven't tried this before, I'm sure many of you have at least heard about the magical world of juicing. Maybe you think EWWW GROSSS. It's seems to be a common thought amongst many. I can reassure you it is not EWWW, it is YUMMMM. The pictures below are an example of what I juiced today. The basics are this: well first, you need fruits and veggies. If you can get organic, AWESOME. If you can't get organic and just get the norm, AWESOME because hey you didn't buy junk food! (If you want to get real fancy you can start adding some herbs) Then it's time to turn on your juicing machine and JUICE.

 You want to have more veggies than fruits so start juicing the veggies first to make sure you get all the essential ones in you want. (F.Y.I. Kale is always in my juices because it is such a great super food, you want dark greens for amazing health benefits) Next you add in the fruit you want. The fruit is what balances out the veggies so put in what you like, stir up your juice and taste. Don't like it yet? Too bitter? Too sweet? You can fix it! Just add in more of what you think it needs! That's the beauty of juicing, you can create something you like easily. I find green apple to be a common fruit added for a good balance and they can be bought in big bags for a good price. Hit up farmer's markets for fresh produce and cut out the middle man by buying direct from the farmer. 

Do your research when it comes to juicers, you don't need a $300 "top of the line" model. I got a Hamilton Beach from amazon for a great deal. Just research the wattage and power etc and you will find what works for you. If you feel that you want recipes you can always Google juicing recipes and there will be an endless supply at your fingertips. I just personally prefer to make what tastes good to me. You want juicing to be an enjoyable experience and if it is something you start to incorporate into your life, you will truly begin to look forward to it! You don't have to do any extreme "juice only" cleanse but just add it in here or there because it is better than nothing. The health benefits from it are priceless, your life and your health is priceless so when you walk into the grocery store next time, maybe try heading straight to the produce section and spend your money there instead of the junk food aisle. Your body deserves it and it will thank you. Your energy will increase, your hair and skin will look great...I could go on and on. You will be a better you.


When making a big batch, it is best to store your juice in glass containers for freshness. I ran out of glass and put the rest in the huge plastic mug but I also knew I was going to consume the whole mug that day.

What a great way to put it! Always having fruit around, you can make a fast healthy choice!
 And it's oh so tasty! Yum!

Kale is one of those great SUPER foods! There are easier ways to incorporate it into your life than you think. My top 3 ways are:

1. Juice it! (Add other fruits & veggies you like)
2. Sautee it with a little olive oil, pinch of salt and add as a side to fish or chicken. You can even mix it into a whole wheat or veggie pasta. It breaks down similar to the way spinach does.
3. Just rinse and mix in with your salad.

Delicious. Healthy. Simple.
Spinach, kale, craisins, walnuts, gorgonzola cheese with fresh sliced granny smith apple. Top with balsamic vinegar for dressing! Dig in and your taste buds will thank you!

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