Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Bunion Diaries

I have bunions. Annoying, crooked, headed in their own direction, painful bunions. While some may develop these due to wearing high heels, other poor forms of shoes for your feet or maybe from being a dancer, mine are hereditary. I LOVE my Abuela dearly....but they come from her. Thankfully for her, she says hers don't cause her pain. Mine on the other hand have been a ROYAL pain in my tush throughout my life especially because I love to be active. By the end of the day (well even before that) I would be suffering from throbbing, sharp pains in my foot, where the bone turns in, even from just a day of normal activity. If you haven't noticed I'm also not 95 years old, I'm 25 and I've had this problem for long time. You don't have to be retired to have these orthopedic problems. Lately the pain had been out of control and I have a strong threshold.

Why have I waited so long you might ask to get this fixed? Well when the heck DO you do this? The only fix for such a severe bunion is surgery. Two of them. Recovery is 6-8 weeks per foot. I never seemed to have that chunk of time to take off from whether it be school or work. I also needed insurance to line up the right way to get both feet done. So I waited. I knew someday it would happen, just never sure when.

Then in July 2012 I had a beautiful baby, went on maternity leave, moved back home and saw an opportunity that maybe I could finally get my surgery before I head back into the work force. I made an appointment with a podiatrist when my daughter was about 4 months old to get x-rays done and see what my options were. I chose to breastfeed my daughter and that was a decision very important to me. Since I was breastfeeding, surgery would have to wait until my daughter was weaned due to the drugs I would be prescribed post surgery. Nevertheless, my confident, reassuring podiatrist said just give a call when I was ready and we would get moving forward! Great!

Just after my daughter's first birthday I started the weaning process which I knew would take a while not only for my baby but for me to do. She was an avid boobie addict so it was a rough road with many tough days and lots of tears...for the both of us. Updated x-rays with my podiatrist in August and was waiting to hear back on the surgery date. While on a trip to Los Angeles, I got a voicemail from my doctor's office saying they needed me to come in for an appointment to sign the necessary papers for my surgery scheduled Oct.4. ---- UMM WHAT?! That's in THREE weeks!! Did I mention I missed the call telling me they ever scheduled this?! HOLY MOLY!!! After a slight panic attack it was decided then that I was done breastfeeding. I had to completely wean. I was mostly done by that point anyway but I just went cold turkey on the few feedings I had to knock out of our routine! Why push back a date that I have waited so long for? It was just meant to be, my let's do this attitude kicked in.

Three weeks later, my OMG I'm gonna pee my pants with anxiety attitude kicked in. After looking up bunion surgery on google, youtube and instagram WAY too much prior to my surgery I was freaking myself out. Why do we do these things to ourselves? I just told myself to try to block out the images of a sliced open toe, broken bones and a screw in my foot. I just figured I would go with the flow of things and hey if I can survive a difficult 20 hour childbirth then this should be a breeze!

Now that we are all up to date on how we got to finally getting surgery, let's get into the good stuff! The actual bunion surgery experience. Because this is where maybe this blog will help someone who is going through post op, about to have the surgery or thinking about it get a real perspective from a patient. Not a doctor or medical review telling what is "going" to happen but what happens in my actual experience. I may be a length writer as well but I would have appreciated something like this to read prior to surgery to ease my fears.

Surgery Day: Friday - October 4th, 2013

No food or water allowed past midnight the night prior. Prescriptions for post surgery are already filled and waiting bedside. TV is facing my bed at home, prepared with Netflix and my laptop and phone charger are bedside as well. Gotta be prepared for a lot of time in bed.

Check in at the hospital with all required paperwork at 7:15am with my mom and daughter in tow. Surgery is scheduled for 8:45am.

Do basic paperwork. Put on the every so trendy hospital gown and slipper socks they give you with. All belongings go in a plastic bag under your hospital bed. IV gets hooked up which to me is the worst part cause I hate needles. Just never been a fan of that whole process. My daughter was getting the attention of every nurse in the wing and we put on our "party" hats as the nurse called it in preparation for surgery and because the nurse thought it would be a great photo op. Good call nurse!

Time to meet the anesthesiologist. The best guy around. Told him my doctor said I am young and healthy enough to be put "out, OUT." I don't want to be aware of anything going on! Now that we had that plan set, he came back five minutes later and asked if I was nervous. My mom and daughter had left at that point already and I said yes, I was. He then asked if I wanted an "anti-nervous" medicine added to my IV. Of course I sarcastically ask him if he was serious, does that even really exist and he in a professional manner told me it did and I could have it if I wanted to help with nerves and it would take me a "little" longer to wake up but would help. Well add that to my IV cocktail Doc, sounds great!

Podiatrist comes in, marks my foot up that surgery is being done on. Writes his initials on my foot...(maybe he secretly wanted to be a rock-star and give autographs?) and asks me a trick question if I ate or drank anything for breakfast. Touche doc. Finally I get told "It's time." Wheeled into the surgery room, I can see the ceiling and people moving around prepping. Last thing I remember is the anesthesiologist putting a mask on it telling me to just breathe normal in and out.....and BLANK.

Next thing I'm waking up in my hospital bed where I originally started off in the patient recovery area. I'm thinking wait, what happened to me? Is it done? I have to look down at my foot and see the big bandage on it to know that yes, I've had surgery. My bunion is technically GONE! YAY! And what is this? No pain?!! I feel GREAT!!! I feel energized, not sick, ready to rock and roll! They get my dad who was waiting for me and I am released from the hospital at noon. Sent out in a wheelchair with a stylish new surgical boot for my foot and a pair of crutches.

Post-Op Instructions - Keep foot elevated. Ice 15 mins, then off for 30, back on for 15 as often as possible. Take pain meds as needed every 4-6 hours. ONLY get up to go to the bathroom.

DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE 6TH HOUR TO TAKE YOUR PAIN MEDS during the first 2-3 days!!! Lesson learned. You want to be comfortable.

I felt great all day, your foot is numbed for surgery so you can't feel much of anything the first day. I knew that would probably wear off at night and start to hurt. Everything always seems to hurt the worst the next day and I was right. So soak in the glory of day one and make sure you listen to your doctor's orders. Remember you want to heal properly, the last thing you want is to ignore order's and mess up the big surgery you just had.

Day 1: Saturday, October 5, 2013

The night before was a little rough. My foot was just a weird uncomfortable feeling I wasn't used to and I definitely needed to take the pain medicine every 4-5 hours at the latest. It was weird for my mom to take my daughter from the crib in the morning when she woke up to feed her downstairs and take care of her. Only the second day and I didn't like not being able to do my "mommy" duties. Probably going to be the hardest part of this recovery process. Yet I needed my rest. I was out of it from medicine and not a great night of sleep.

My parents were great to have around for the weekend. My mom is Super Mom and Super Grandma in one! Food and drinks were brought upstairs to my room for me. Ice packed was always replenished and my baby girl was being taken care of.

Make sure you take your medicine with food though if you can! Especially if you are prescribed the Celebrex for the 3 days post surgery.

I ordered online from Crutcheze fashionable crutch pads for my crutches to add a much needed comfort considering I would be using them for quite a long time and for my next surgery as well. I also ordered the boot cover/protector for when I enter that phase.

Day 2: Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Funday. Not. Already getting bored. The time I look forward to most is when my daughter sits in bed with me to cuddle and watch some cartoons or I can read books to her before her attention span turns to something else.

My poor mother tells me she knows why people should not have kids after 50. Let's just say she is tired. Poor thing, hasn't stopped moving and helping out! Which I appreciate more than she knows!

Caught up on Breaking Bad on Netflix and good news is the pain still doesn't seem bad to me. I don't seem to be experiencing swelling or anything bad, yet I have listened to my doctor and stayed in bed, following all orders. My mother washed my hair for me and I gave myself a sponge bath to wash up and feel fresh. In the morning I have my first post-op check up and I can't wait to get down the flight of stairs with two baby gates! What a FUN challenge that will be....

(Note: Yes I will be putting in pics of my daughter cause she is what gets me through this!! The pics I add are her smiling face from that day!)

Day 3: First Post-Op Check-up - Monday, October 7, 2013

9am first checkup. It was a 45 min drive to my podiatrist's office and the worst part of post surgery thus far. It was so uncomfortable and I hated every part of the ride.

The nurse unwrapped my bandages and after that was done I decided I would look at my foot and WAM BAM there was my Frankenstein foot all stitched up and surprisingly looking good I thought 3 days out. We go to update x-rays and as I'm standing there doing that, my vision goes spotty, my hearing starts fading, I get dizzy and hold onto my crutches tighter. Really? Why does this happen to me? Get through x-rays and I'm breathing harder, they get me back in the chair and get me an orange juice and luckily cause I have a kid, there are snacks in the diaper bag. I took pain meds and a Celebrex before I left the house...I didn't have time to eat anything. Fail. That mixed with the vision of my Frankenstein foot didn't mix well I guess...

Podiatrist comes in to check out his work. Everything looks great, still ordered to only get up to go to the bathroom. They re-bandaged and I'll be back in a week for the next checkup. The dreaded 45 min drive home sucked yet again. I couldn't wait to get back in bed and get my foot up.
I missed my daughters 15 month checkup, first time I've ever had to miss a Dr. appt for her. Good news is she did great but poor kiddo came home having had four shots!!

My crutch pads came in the mail! That was FAST!! They are great, stylin' and super comfortable!!! I also have a wristlet that holds my phone and necessities made specially for crutches that velcros on. I found at CVS for $7.99. Totally worth it
as well.

Day 4: Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bored. I have a list of things to do that I can get done while in bed but why does it seem that even now with the opportunity to get work done, I can't focus....! I've caught up on all the Breaking Bad on Netflix and wish they had the last season up. But alas I have my Sons of Anarchy to catch up on.

I made an instagram video showing that chocolate cheerios and peanut butter cheerios make a Reeses' peanut butter cup. Clearly I'm starting to lose my mind. Best part of my day is still when Aubrey comes to visit me in bed, such a silly and smart little girl!

Day 5: Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Managed a bath by myself. Taught myself how to french braid thanks to a 10 yr old on YouTube and got my cheetah print pajama leggings on over my bandage all by noon. Exhausting! But it's amazing how bathing makes you feel so much better!!

You know how your NOT supposed to take off the bandage? Whoops...I did. Curiosity killed the cat and I wanted to see how my foot actually looked, snap a pic and adjust my bandage. It's all black and blue, and looking beautiful! Not. It's kinda gross but for where I'm at in recovery I think it actually looks good.

I went downstairs today to be around in the living room to try to "play" with my daughter. I was probably down there for about 30-45 mins? Worst decision. Starting getting bad pains in my foot, realized I needed to get my cripple self back upstairs and in bed like the doctor said. Broke my heart as my daughter cried when I crawled up the stairs :(

Clearly I did too much, had a night of pain and totally discomfort by that brief time out of bed. Around 5:30am I loosened the bandage a bit because I thought maybe that was the problem since my foot felt oddly cold compared to normal and just incredibly uncomfortable even with the pain meds. I finally feel asleep after doing that. Have I mentioned how loud crutches sound when you try to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you're trying not to wake the sleeping baby next to you? LOUD. I try to be careful but I nearly died by almost falling off my crutches in the dark on a bathroom trip. Good news is I made it, the baby kept sleeping and I'm not on a reality show so there was no camera to document my clumsiness. Whew. :)

Day 6: Thursday, October 10, 2013

Last night was the worst so far the pain and discomfort. I've been rationing my pain meds for only when I need them but the doctor said it should feel better everyday. Not quite there yet....

My best friend Gina came to visit me for and brought some lovely flowers!! What a lucky gal I am to have such a great friend. It was nice to spend some time together for a couple hours and catch up on our lives since we last saw each other, although if we had more time, Gina is one of those friends where we could talk for probably 24 hours straight! Thanks for coming by Gin-bean!

Aubrey fell asleep and I had a late lunch so I ate a late dinner in the dark....this is what happens when you are a mom and can't move from bed. The kids still come first! Alas, I don't care where I was eating or the lack of light because my mom made DELICIOUS rice and beans for dinner!!!  YUMMM She keeps this Puerto Rican happy! My foot was KILLINGGG me tonight so I stocked up on ice to try to numb the pain and tried to get some rest. Just getting up to make a trip to the bathroom was too painful :-/

Day 7: Friday, October 11, 2013


Last night and this morning was roughhhhh. My foot was in a lot of pain, the most since surgery and I don't know why since I thought it was supposed to be getting better at this point. I feel like for me pain has gradually gotten worse instead of better. Almost like I've had a backwards way of recovery....started out feeling great and the pain has oddly only seemed to increase for me. I'm going to keep the ice going and another girl who has gone through this surgery I met on instagram said she put the ice under her knee to help numb. When my mom refilled my ice bag and the pain was the worst this morning I put it there to try that method out! Worked great! Sometimes it's harder to put it up by the foot because the ice still has bandages to get through, where under my knee seemed to numb my foot quicker!

My daughter stole my surgical shoe and is trying to be just like mommy. Too cute!

Day 8: Saturday, October 12, 2013

Today was a boring day. What I did do was finally start catching up on Breaking Bad cause heck I never get the chance to do that! And if I had to hear from anyone else about how amazing the last season was, I was gonna go crazy. So thank goodness for finding the episodes online. My parents took Aubrey out for the day to run errands, hit up Costco...she loves that place just as any adult does...and they were gone for about 6 hours. Did I mention how I didn't have access to food during this time and just water from the bathroom.....Needless to say when my mom came home she did an "Oh crap" moment and heated up food for me. Haha.

Foot hurts...but what else is new. I ration my pain pills and only take it when needed. I have an 800mg of Ibuprofen from post pregnancy so I'd rather take this if needed than use shall we say "the good stuff."

After my baby girl feel asleep, she woke up at one point, reached over the side and the crib and just wanted her mommy. I was more than please to grab her (note my bed is RIGHT next to the crib so I can get her while not having to physically get up) and cuddle with her. She fell right asleep in the crook of my arm. Guess she misses me as much as I miss her.

Day 9: Sunday, October 13, 2013

So that whole me whining that my caretakers (my parents) were out for 6 hours yesterday and left me with no food or drink. I guess my exaggeration got me this today when they went out....that or they are leaving me for two days....

My parents took my daughter to the Harvest Fair in the next town over. Good for her to get outdoors and breathe in some good fresh fall air...and fall in love with a horse. She brought home her mommy some maple cotton candy...what a sweet girl!

I completed Breaking Bad. Series over. It was amazing....from beginning to end. Amazing. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend putting it on your list during surgery recovery.

Restaurant de mi madre also made an INCREDIBLE yummy dinner tonight....could still be making up for the lack of food midday yesterday....

The whole pain thing with my foot is annoying. I thought it was supposed to be getting better and I feel like I only have more pain....I also was definitely not prescribed enough pain medication in the beginning even with only using it as needed. It's throbbing and every time I get up to go to the bathroom, when I get back to bed it hurts SO BAD.

Day 10: Monday, October 14, 2013

Is it tomorrow yet? Because tomorrow is my checkup appointment and I am quite anxious to see what the doctor has to say. Sleeping is no bueno. Keeping your foot elevated all day and night with ice on it leaves little options for sleep positions. My back is hurting too from the bed rest. Honestly I'm not the best candidate for bed rest, I like to out, about and moving. Just going to try to keep it numb with ice as best I can.

Day 11: Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Check-up day! YAY!!!

A big thank you to my friend Gina taking me to the doctor on her only day off from work! Greatly, greatly, greatly appreciated. Foot looked good, he said it wasn't ready for stitches to be out. Got the same instructions as last time....foot up, ice and only allowed to take trips to the bathroom. ughhhhhhhhh At least he was able to prescribe me more pain medication.

Pet Therapy was in order. Gotta love my Cali Cat. She is such a cuddle bug. 

Day 12: Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You know what's always a pick me up? When your best friend comes to visit all the way from CA. I may be a little selfish for taking more of her time on her visit home considering I just stayed with her for an entire two weeks in Los Angeles but hey, she's my bestie. And that bestie came over with a balloon, flowers, the most appropriate and hilarious get well cat card, books for Aubrey, a cat toy for the cat and Ben & Jerry's Red Velvet Cake ice cream. Do I really need to explain why this girl is my best friend? I think not.

Aubrey was absolutely ecstatic to see her Auntie as well because they have an absurd amount of fun together. It's adorable.

How's my foot? Same old, same old. I don't even want to take about it. It gets these sharp shooting pains all through the toe. I know it is the nerves healing. Well let me tell you this, nerves healing is no day at the park. But I suppose this is part of the whole healing process. 

Day 13: Thursday, October 17, 2013

I was a bad patient today. I left the bed...and not only did I leave the bed....I left the house! *GASP* It was only about 3 miles down the road though. My mom drove me over so I could go to a haircut appointment. Guess how long it's been since I last had a haircut? 3 months? Nooo. 6 months? Nope, try again. How about 14 months. That's a longgg time but I'm a mom on a budget and my kids expenses always and will always come before mine. I know I needed Kristine to chop off my split ends and basically get a healthy cut for my poor hair. I didn't have her take off much! But to me it felt like a lot!! Much thicker again and all healthy and bouncy. Just needed something done since being stuck in the house for so long. Since she washed my hair that also counted in my book as a I'll take a real bath tomorrow because doing that as a cripple is a royal pain in the butt.

It was a lot to be out on my foot and it was throbbing when I got home. But overall less pain...just spastic shooting pains that I SWEAR makes my toe wiggle. But it probably doesn't or maybe it does...I can't tell because there is still no actual feeling in my toe. It's still numb and hopefully the feeling will come back again...cause right now I feel like I have a dead toe.

I have been having a blast as always with my baby and I even wrangled the rocking chair up close to the crib so I can rock her for naptime and use the crib to brace myself so I can hold her, pull myself up and lay her down when she falls asleep. Doing this all on one foot is a lot of work and rocking her making sure my foot doesn't touch the ground or hit anything is a feat in itself but there is nothing better than holding my baby close and singing her to sleep <3

Day 14: Friday, October 18, 2013

TWO WEEKS TODAY!!! I hit the two week mark and I am feeling better. The pain is a different kind of really is more of these spasms going through my foot and toe but not like the pain in the beginning. It's manageable, don't need medicine for it. What hurts more than my foot? My BACK. OWWW. I don't sleep is really difficult sleeping for two weeks with a foot up all the time!!! I get restless, maybe there are other things going through my mind too but my back is killing me from lack of movement and just not seeming to get in the right sleep position. I'm always so afraid of accidentally putting pressure on my foot if I go to turn the wrong way in my sleep or anything. And I'm constantly fixing my ice pack or switching it out with a new one from the cooler beside me at night that has extra ice to last through the night.

Aubrey and I had a lot of fun today playing and watching Lilo & Stitch! Seriously, I have the happiest, most FUN, silly, smiley, outgoing, cuddly, most incredible baby girl in the world. I could go on and on and on about how blessed I am to have her. We laugh so much everyday and it's the best. That in itself is therapy and helps me to get through this recovery day by day.

Day 15: Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sleeping situation is not getting any better. So tired and my whole body is just sore. I try to do some little workouts from my workout app on my phone to move my body a bit. I love to workout and be active so like I've said before, this whole bed rest thing is frustrating.

I caved and allowed my cat upstairs into my room. Normally she isn't allowed upstairs and can't get up here anyway because of the baby gate at the top of the stairs. But she goes through the side of the steps to bypass the first gate and she was crying at the top of the stairs, I couldn't resist, she became my cuddle buddy. Pet therapy is great. I mean look at my beautiful kitty. How could you not want to cuddle with her?

Day 16: Sunday, October 20, 2013

These days all become a blur....just feels like same old thing day in and day out. I can't always focus on things I should and need to. I still have the list I had from the beginning by my side of things I need to do/get done while I have the chance but I find I lose any focus a lot. I don't want to look at a computer screen, I just can't concentrate on things like I would like to. Still icing, elevating and getting spasms. Still not sleeping well.

Day 17: Monday, October 21, 2013

FINALLY. Another follow-up at the doctors! Got stitches removed today and my daughter thought it was all so funny....she laughed as they took them out. The picture to the side is what my foot looked like before they took the stitches out. Seemed to look good! For some reason at first though, the doctor thought I was on day 21, but was corrected found out I was only on day 17. Only? I don't know how 17 days doesn't seem long because it has seemed like foreverrrr to me!

Instructions were to put Neosporin ointment on the incision area, place the gauze on top and wrap it with the bandage to hold it on place during the day. At night I am to take off the bandages and let it air dry. I can also shower now and get the foot wet with the bandage on. I can start bearing weight slowly and maybe moving my foot more as I can. I need to do this especially because I had trouble even trying to move my ankle at the appt. Everything was stiff. I guess I haven't moved my ankle much because to me I felt like it's all connected to my toe muscles and any movement to try to do is scary. Like he said I was only allowed prior to this appointment to get up to go to the bathroom and the back in bed. I don't have another checkup for 3 weeks! Surprised it's that long until my next one. He also said to take an old pair of sneakers of buy a cheap pair from Wal-Mart and cut off the toe part to make it open toe and sometime next week start walking in that instead of the surgical shoe and the natural bend of the shoe will help start to bend my toe and rehab it.

We stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home, best place to grab Neosporin for a cheaper price...even better was the store brand of it, with the SAME ingredients for way less and two tubes in the box instead of one! I also fulfilled a bucket list dream of riding the electric scooter through the store. I know everyone has always wanted to do it, let's be real! And it was awesome! Aubrey went on it with me for a bit and wanted to steer, she thought it was great haha. I picked up fabric too from their craft department for her Halloween costume! Going to have to sew it this week, it's much cheaper than buying one this year.

A day of what I thought was exciting news, moving to the next phase of this recovery etc turned sour at night. I went to take off my bandage for the night to allow my foot to get some air like I was instructed to do. What do I see?! My incision would was open at the top of my podiatrist said this could happen. But I can't handle seeing medical, gross things and there was some blood and puss on my bandage...cue minor panic attack, hot flash, feeling a little dizzy.... I covered it back up til I had my Dad who used to be on an ambulance crew, cause he's cool like that, could look at it for me to access the situation.
 As I sat there waiting for him, I was upset and frustrated. I was out of bed A LOT today. I tried to bear weight on it and walk with the crutches across my kitchen floor a bit. I did foot and toe exercises. I had been so excited earlier in the day because I wiggled my toes! It was a spastic wiggle, not completely controlled but they moved and I thought, wow I made progress all in a day! What I really did was jump the gun and now the wound was open and hurting. My dad checked it out and to make me comfortable for the night put a single layer of gauze over it so it was still exposed to air but I felt comfortable that there was fabric "covering" the wound. Just going to have to keep an eye on the puss and blood to make sure it doesn't get infected. I feel like I took a step forward today and now another two steps back because I am afraid to do much more rehab on the foot until the incision would on my toe closes up or scabs over. I'm also frustrated because I want it to heal faster. I have no control over this and I don't like not having control over it. My overly optimistic, positive, I'm superwoman attitude is great is normal life but life my podiatrist reminded me with a surgical recovery, my mind is one thing, but my body is another. The body needs time to heal and I can't rush it. I want to, I want to so bad but I can't. Everyone tells me to relax, take care of the foot the way I have and make sure I heal properly but it just seems so long especially because I am going to have to go through this all over again when the next foot is operated on. My foot hurts so taking an Oxy pill tonight and hopefully sleeping well. I'm not using my pillows to keep it elevated. He didn't address that but I figure the blood flow back to my foot will be good at this point and hopefully I will sleep more comfortably. I'm just using a single pillow under my foot for comfort. Hopefully, better things and progress will happen this week...I don't want to fall behind.

Day 18: Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I slept SO MUCH better last night!!! I actually like slept through the entire night, almost! Big difference is that I was comfortable, way more comfortable with the elevating pillow tower gone and just one under my foot. I'm sure the Oxy pill had something to do with it too, always makes me drowsy and took away the foot pain. My foot looks better having aired out at night but going to wrap it like instructed for the day time with the ointment. I'm not going to try to bear any weight on it today or wiggle my toes. I want the wound to heal better and I don't want to make it any worse than it is.

So taking it easy, watching some of my favorite court tv and episodes of "Scandal" on Netflix. It's my new series I started. I also had started and finished House of Cards on Netflix which was great. Can't remember the last time I watch so much television....sheesh.

Aubrey and I had fun again. She tried grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed to play, too cute. Who can resist that? So I went to her playroom with her and then got some books and toys to bring back to my room. She was looking at my other foot thinking, hmm do you have to get this one done too mom? Yep, gotta fix that one next! I did love that she was a bit of a cuddlebug today!! She sat and was watching her cartoon with me, just wanted to snuggle, I love that. <3

Not elevating again, and going to try to sleep like I did last night. Fingers crossed. Not taking a pain pill though unless I need it in the middle of the night.

Day 19: Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Slept ok without any medicine last night but my foot was throbbing and bothering me. When I looked at it this morning it did not look good! Here is the picture I took after just putting some Coconut Oil on it which I thought would soften it up since my foot was so stiff and dry. The red around the incision area is not good, along with the extra swelling on my toe and yellow puss...not good. I called the podiatrist office to tell them because this really concerns me. He sent over a prescription for antibiotics right away to my pharmacy and made an appointment to see me again tomorrow morning. Really was hoping to NOT get an infection :-(. Back to not being able to move it again, we will see what he says tomorrow. Another frustrating part is his office is 45 mins away so it's not right down the road and I was just there Monday!
In other news my daughter is hilarious as always and had a blast as I got her to go down the stairs on her bum this morning which she thought was great! Haha. Quite a vision with me in front of her, going down the stairs backwards on my knees, with one foot in the air, moving the crutches down the stairs and her behind me (but in front of me because I was facing backwards) scooting down with two stair baby gates.

Got my antibiotics, foot hurts and is swollen. As you can see it is ginormous compared to my other one. Hoping tomorrow's appointment sheds some light on what happened and what is going to happen next.

Day 20: Thursday, October 24, 2013

Had my doctor check my foot today to see what was going on. Good news is he said it's not an infection!! WOOHOOO!!! If it was, my foot would be even bigger and all this other stuff and I would be put in the hospital for four days on IV's and antibiotics. Glad that wasn't what was happening. It is a fluid from surgery that can ooze out especially because I have a gap in my incision right now with it still open. He reprimanded me a bit and said I have been doing too much and it doesn't matter what I try to tell him because he can tell by mother nature and my foot. He can see I've done "too much." He told my mom she is to be on "deputy" duty and make sure I am off my foot. I need to let it heal or my incision will continue to open if I don't let it heal properly and this could be a longer healing process. I was instructed to keep taking all the antibiotics, NOT to use hydrogen peroxide to clean it but to soak it in the tub with warm water and epsom salt.

I really think my stitches were taken out too early but there was no turning back once that was done. I guess I also misunderstood him when he said I could start to bear weight a little at a time as I started trying to flat foot walk across my kitchen floor and do all these exercises directly after my stitches had been taken out. I got overly optimistic again instead of letting my body heal. So back to taking it easy again. I will try my best, as best as I can with my 15 month old around, who wants to be held, picked up, rocked to sleep, played with and doesn't understand that mommy has only one foot. And not even one "good" foot because that one has a hurting bunion. Which starting hurting again today a lot as I was up and about with her. Being on the crutches and relying on that one foot is hurting my other bunion that will need surgery after my left foot heals. Just have to take a deeeeeeeep deeeeep breathe and keep taking it day by day. As for now, I've discovered "Bitstrips" to kill some time and make me's me on my cripple scooter haha.

Day 21: Friday, October 25, 2013

Still frustrated about how I've backtracked but just going to focus on moving forward and that it can only get better, right? Finally taking a bath today where I am going to put my foot in the water with epsom salt and soap and let it soak. Hopefully that helps. Good thing having a baby is I have baby soap so it's nice and gentle to soak it in.
It hurt a bit putting it in the bath at first, was a weird feeling that went through my whole foot. You can see how it looks here dried up and then I oiled it up. There was dead skin just coming off my foot, I scrubbed it and it just rolled off! GROSS! But I suppose when you haven't washed you foot in 3 weeks, that's going to happen. Still have blood and that "yellow" stuff from surgery that oozes out whatever it is.

Day 22: Saturday, October 26, 2013

I hate bed rest. My foot is doing ok. Not icing or taking pain pills still. Keeping it wrapped during the day with the antibiotic ointment and then airing out at night. It's hard to explain but my foot has felt like it's "defrosting." The swelling is going down and it feels like I am getting feeling back to areas of my foot and toes, hence the "defrost" feel. It's just weird. Plain weird to feel. It's a good thing though so I'll take it.

Today I spent SIX hours hand sewing my daughter's Halloween costume. It's not done yet, but got the hard part out of the way. I do have a nice new sewing machine that I have only used a couple times but right now I can't find the power cord and foot pedal so I had to resort to hand sewing it. I actually used her costume last year as the base and re-purposed it to make a new one this year with cheap fabric from Wal-Mart. This costume is only gonna cost me like $6 and I'm stuck in bed anyway so might as well do something useful while I watch "Scandal" on Netflix! Besides a costume made with love is better than any store bought costume :-)

Day 23: Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nothing exciting to report today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to catch up on the series "Scandal" though to where it's at on TV. What productivity! And my dad informed me "Sons of Anarchy" just released their last season on Netflix.....YESSSS. I can't seem to focus STILL on other things I need to get done around here and other blogs I would like to write. My mind is just off in another place...

Aubrey was chilling with me in bed and reading books and playing as usual. She thought it was hysterical that her Abuelo was mowing the lawn and she could look out my window and watch. He would wave to her, it was like a celebrity! haha, so adorable. Then she thought she would read one of my get well Catholic blessing cards a friend from church sent me. Must have been a good read. Just love my snuggle bug more than anything!

What I did notice which is gross, is that under my big toe where the surgery was done that since it is still leaning and swollen, that an area underneath it was white-ish from too much moisture. It wasn't getting air. I took gauze and rolled it up to stick between my big toe and the one next to it to make sure it is getting air. More dead skin came off and it was kind off raw underneath that area. Glad I noticed it though and it didn't get worse.

Day 24: Monday, October 28, 2013

Emotionally draining day for me as I had to handle some personal stuff this morning and that also required me to be on my foot for way longer than I have been on it on crutches. So needless to say my foot was aching when I got home. Then brilliant me, my lovebug wanted me to hold her, which I can manage while balancing myself on my crutches to some extent...but then she tried to slide down and knocked me off balance and I LANDED ON MY FOOT!!!! OWWW OWWW OWW OWWWWWW!!!!!!

I thought I must have opened the incision more! I checked and it was ok but my foot was now hurting really bad. Good thing Aubrey agreed with me it was ok to cuddle on the couch and watch cartoons instead of play around cause after that fall there was no way I could do that. I needed to get my foot up and rest.

I was very happy when my mom got home from work today to help me out with my baby girl after all the stress my foot went through today. I don't know how I would get through this post surgery recovery phase without the help. It's a lot of work trying to wrangle a kid, play with her, change diapers all on one foot and crutches. I don't even have one "good" foot because my right foot, the bunion has actually been killing me too since I have to bear all my weight on it. Tonight it was killing me from having to rely on it so much today!

Day 25: Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Foot is looking better I think. Still having that yellow stuff oozing onto my gauze pads every time I take off the bandages at night. I did some Halloween nails today. Usually with my daughter around, I never get time to do my nails! Because if I tried to do it during her nap, that would be the time she naps for like 20 mins and my nails would be wet when she wakes up and it would be a disaster....I tried to be creative and do some Nightmare Before Christmas nails with Jack Skellington. Saw them on Instagram and thought it looked cool!

Incision is STILL not closed up yet though. Annoying. It's scabbing over and looking at this picture I should really change my toe nail polish. It's not looking so cute anymore, lol. Can't believe how long it seems for my foot to be healing. I feel like my other "bunion buddies" on instagram have their incisions healing much faster than mine. Good thing is like I have said before my other foots bunion hurts more than this. I don't really have pain but with that said I haven't been bearing any weight on it. I'm sure once I FINALLY get to that point, it's not going to be pleasant. Just want this foot to heal. I can't believe I have to go through this process again after this one is done.

Day 26: Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nothing much to report today. Sleeping better without having to worry about elevating and just trying to focus on positive healing thoughts for my foot!

Day 27: Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!! Finished up working on Aubrey's costume this morning, just had some last minute adjustments to make. Going to try to trek along to do "Malloween" which is at the mall from 4-6pm. Nice, safe, weather friendly way to go trick or treating for the little ones :)

My daughter has made up a walk to make fun of me. I call it "The Crutch Walk."  If you click the link below, you can see shenanigans. Pretty funny actually! She started doing it all on her own.
"The Crutch Walk"

HOLY *(&@#*&%@)(^&%)#(&%)#(*& BATMAN. HOLY (*@^#(*%@(*#&)@. I FELL ON MY FOOT. Full on, full weight, bent toes back, fell on my foot. I was rocking Aubrey for her nap. She was out like a light, ready to be put in the crib. This time I hadn't gotten to move the rocking chair up close to the crib like I normally do, so I had to go along the side of the crib and hop carefully there. I was fine, I got to the crib and when I went to lay her down, I lost my balance, slipped and my first concern of course was Aubrey so as a natural reaction my I made sure I had her with both arms and my foot went down. I was able to lay her down in the crib surprisingly gracefully as I ungracefully went down. Poor kiddo woke up though and I was screaming and crying in extreme pain. I can't even explain how bad it hurt. EXCRUCIATING.

Good thing my dad was home, I screamed for him and he was just waking up (he works a 3rd shift, overnight, so he sleeps during the day). I thought I opened the incision or something worse, the pain was so bad. I unwrapped it and THANK GOD it was ok, visually. Popped a pain pill right away and as my dad tried to calm down Aubrey I called the Dr to see if there was anything I needed to do or watch for. They said it wasn't good that I fell at this point in post-op but to take some meds for pain and put ice on it. Supposed to watch to see if it gets red or suddenly more swollen and they made an appt for me to come in on Monday morning. So ice and pain pill it is and no more Malloween.

I figured we could just take Aubrey down a block near us. One of the houses has a train they make that goes around their yard and all these characters set up on the lawn, music, lots of decorations! Very visually entertaining for a 15 month old. I had rested and nothing was going to stop me from missing my daughters first time trick or treating. Nothing. So I threw on some things from my closet, put some quick makeup on to make myself look like a cat. Aubrey was Boo from Monsters Inc. so I figured together we were "Boo Kitty!" (At least I thought it was creative) In the end it worked out. Rough day but Halloween was a blast and seeing her happy and smiling enjoying getting candy from people and seeing all the costumes kids were wearing was great!!! I crutched up and down that street and I would do it again!

Day 28: Friday, November 1, 2013

My foot surprisingly doesn't feel so bad. I was expecting much worse from that fall! However my other foot, with the existing bunion kills from being on it. I can't wait til that pain is gone as well. Aubrey and I watched "Nightmare Before Christmas" this morning which she LOVED. So cute. We had lots of play time today and it was great. She did get Mac & Cheese all over her and in her hair so an impromptu bath was in order! Love my silly girl more than anything.

Sheeshhhh my other foot is killllling me. I don't have one good foot! Not one! Starting to look into Crocs as well for when I can start rehabbing my foot and trying to walk again. As much as I hate them and think they are uber ugly, they are supposed to be super comfortable and will be appropriate footwear until I am ok to be in a normal shoe again. Also going to call the doctor's office today or tomorrow to cancel my appointment. My foot seems fine and like I've said before it's a 45 min drive there so if I can prevent an hr and a half ride for a quick checkup, I'm all about that. I don't think I need it.

Day 29: Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trying to rest my foot today. With that said I also tried putting a little pressure on it to see how it felt, hurts but seems promising and my incision seems JUST about closed. So there is hope. Aubrey was such a cuddle bug today. So loving with lots of kisses and hugs and snuggles. My favorite thing!!! As I'm resting I'm taking advantage of the time to research deals and bargain for Christmas gifts. I like to get that done sooner than later!

Have to remember to turn back the clocks tonight. An extra hour of sleep! But someone try to tell that to a 15 month old....haha. Hopefully she can adjust to the time difference in one day. I'm confident in her :)

Day 30: Sunday, November 3, 2013

My parents took Aubrey to church this morning and then on a Costco run. Four weeks now I haven't been able to go to church, maybe next week I'll be able to get out and go Saturday night. I'm hoping I can progress this week. I'll be calling the doctor first thing in the morning to cancel my appointment. My foot has still been fine since the fall, no additional abnormalities. Still swollen like it always is and my toes are like fat sausages. I purchased some Crocs online today to prepare for when the time comes to put my foot in a shoe. If you are looking to get some, or any shoe for that matter, I recommend They have free shipping, shoes get to you in a day or two and GREAT deals/discounts. I even snagged an extra 10% off daylight savings special! Woot woot!

Poor baby girl has had a runny nose all day and seems to only be getting worse. All sniffles and breathing more through her mouth than nose. But you wouldn't know because she is still being happy and silly, just a little more cuddly and clingy than normal. She even cuddled up for at least a solid 45 mins to watch Shrek! For a toddler to stay still that long is pretty impressive.

I put some pressure on my foot while wearing my surgical shoe some more today to see how much weight I felt comfortable bearing. I felt like I did pretty good! It's literally gonna be one step at a by day. While I was washing my foot in today's bath with epsom salt (my doctor told me I can use a washcloth to clean the incision in an up and down motion, not sideways though so you don't bother the incision, accidentally open it) the scabbed area over my incision peeled away. Just a layer of dead skin and scabs. Gross I know. Not to mention every time I bathe I feel like all I'm doing is rubbing dead skin off my foot, bleh. But nevertheless it came off this time which I guess is good? Looks like the incision is wayyy better than before and now I can really make sure the area gets its ointments and try to minimize the scarring.

Going to bed though my toe is throbbing, little jolts of pain going through but I have been putting some pressure on my foot and it has spasms sometimes....kind of like my foot wants to try to operate normally. Let me try to further explain that...I could be on my crutches and going to sit down and when I move a certain way, my foot naturally might want to bend or toes moves like they normally would pre-surgery yet because this hasn't been normal movement for almost a month now, it causes pain later on.

Day 31: Monday, November 4, 2013

ONE MONTH MARK!!! Wow this process seems to take forever, but then again healing IS supposed to be 6-8 weeks. My poor baby girl has a cold so made sure she was happy today and drinking her fluids to get her better. Surprisingly even sick she was still in good spirits. A little rough in the morning though because she was clingy and getting really upset that Mama couldn't CARRY her down the stairs with crutches or carry her around the kitchen as I tried to make her breakfast on crutches. Poor kiddo, breaks my heart to see her all sniffly and looking simply miserable. Makes for a good time to cuddle though!

I WALKED TODAY. I actually feel like I made progress today. I tried bearing weight here and there on my foot and it was going well. When I rocked Aubrey to sleep for her afternoon nap, I used BOTH of my feet this time to rock, pushing off from the floor, letting the toes bend back and all. I got little sparks and shots of pain here and there but nothing too bad. It felt good, like a good exercise to do while I rocked her to sleep. Then getting excited about how that went I tried to see if I could take a few steps possibly without my crutches....keeping close to things I could grab onto of course...and I did it!! A little wobbly and awkward...but I made some steps and then I made some more steps later on. I can also manage to walk on the side of my foot where there isn't an incision, it's easier to put more pressure there as I bear more weight. Felt great though! I feel like ever since it seems the incision is pretty much closed up, I am finally moving forward. I am completely swollen again though from using my foot the way I did and it hurts a bit but I was told that would happen and to just go back to putting on some ice at night. Apparently you can still suffer from swelling up to a full year from surgery!!! Wow! Looking forward to continuing to make progress this week :-)

The "Kid" Factor

This is for the parent out there that is responsible for a life other than their own and has to go through this surgery. I'm not going to sugarcoat this, it's going to be rough. More than the physical pain you might experience, it is a mental and emotional challenge not being able to be the mommy you typically are. (or daddy!) You are going to have to hang your SuperMom cape on the wall for a period of time. And YOU will NEED help!!!! Please don't think you can get this surgery and be doing things around the house on your crutches. My second follow-up with my podiatrist will be about 10 days post surgery and this entire time I have been ordered to only get up to go to the bathroom. That is no joke and not to be taken lightly. It is imperative that you listen to your doctor because after finally getting the surgery you don't want to mess with the work the surgeon has done by improperly taking care of yourself.

I am so blessed and lucky to have my parents to help me with my daughter. This is only even possible because of my parent's off work schedule. My mom is around mornings and my dad works an overnight shift. So he has only been getting a couple hours of sleep before he is up to help out with the second shift with my daughter while Grandma is at work. I couldn't have done this without them. I am a single mom so they are really my rocks for being there for me. I don't have a Prince Charming at this point in my life (mine was more the Beauty & Beast story, except time ran up, the flowers fell off the rose petal and he stayed a Beast...rawr). So suck up your pride as hard as it is and make sure you have help. Even if you have a Prince Charming around, I'm sure he has to go into the castle and put in hours at work so you will need some royal assistance to help out at other times.

If you have children old enough to explain this to or even if you don't it is a solid reminder for yourself to understand why you need to get this rest and heal properly. You live for your children and they love mommy more than anything. Remind them that you love them so much that you are getting your foot fixed now so that you can continue to chase and play with them for a long long long time. Kids are energizer bunnies. It is incredible. Don't you want to keep up with them? You are doing this surgery for yourself but at the same time you are doing it for them! Having my daughter was more incentive to do this because I want to keep chasing her, taking her on hikes, bike rides and continue a healthy, active lifestyle without having to take a break or sit down because "mommy's feet hurt."

So as your heart breaks when they cry for you or don't understand why you can't play with them the same or stand to pick them up, remember you are going to heal properly so you can do these things again without any pain or problems. This recovery may seem long while you go through it but it will be just a small little blip out of yours and your child's life. Heck they will probably forget it when they are older! It IS worth it. No one should have to experience pain if they can get it fixed. Stay positive and stay healthy :) You will be able to put your SuperMom cape back on before you know it!

Tips for Before Surgery
  • Fill prescriptions and have ready for post surgery.
  • Think about your food situation depending on who might/might not be helping you out. Make sure you have what you need in your fridge/freezer. Look up fruits/veggies that naturally help decrease swelling to have around since that will happen post surgery!
  • If you have a child, in my instance I knew I wouldn't be able to bring her to her 15 month checkup so I went to her pediatrician ahead of time and signed off on medical forms giving permission for my parents to bring her to any appointments. 
  • You really won't be able to leave the house for a while so get your errands done: stopping at the bank, make sure you are able to pay your bills, fill your car with gas so you don't have to do it on crutches when you can drive again. 
  • PILLOWS. Make sure you have enough pillows to prop yourself up and sleep on and then enough to make it comfortable to prop your foot up on. I have a full size bed and got an extra 2pack of super comfy King size pillows from Costco to have. I use those with a standard to prop myself and sleep on. For elevating my foot, I have stacked a baby boppy pillow, body pillow, and standard pillow with another standard pillow used as like a wedge under my thigh/knee to keep it comfortable. 
  • Make sure your laundry is done and your have what you need for clothes close by.
  • Do you have basics like toilet paper stocked in the bathroom? Cause that would suck to run out of.....
  • Have your bed, remote controls, chargers all ready for you so that when you arrive home you can just get in bed to rest and start the healing process.
Tips for After Surgery
  • ICE is your best friend. Make sure you ice bag won't leak because you can't get the bandage wet! A fellow "bunion bandit" (as I like to call the people I meet going through this surgery) suggested putting the ice under your knee sometimes to help numb the foot/leg. It does help! It was faster when I tried it during a jolt of pain because the ice didn't have to get through layers of bandaging on my foot!
  • In the first few days, don't wait til the 6th hour for those pain meds, you will be hurting!
  • You doctor told you to stay off your foot and keep it elevated, DO THAT.

Please feel free to post ANY questions and I will put up a Q&A!! I am happy to answer any question you might have and it might be something someone else is wondering too!


  1. I just wanted to say thank you for this blog, My friend Laurel shared it with me. I am having surgery Dec 18th of this year. Yes I know it is 1 week before christmas, but that is the only time I would have the most help. My mom is able to take the whole week of christmas off. my sister is a teach so she will be around, as well as a couple friends who teach My husband had 2 surgeries already this year so i had to jump in and hopefully get a portion of mine done for less. However i have to get all my shopping and wrapping done before the 18th, (i have to remind myself to breath)
    I have 3 kids 8, (my middle will be 7) on friday and 4. As the surgery date approached, i am getting MORE nervous and anxious . How will I be able to do this, what do I do about my kids and getting them to and from school, and how am I going to take care of them when they get home. Luckily I they are ab bit older and can get there own clothes *if they chose to cooperate) I am not usually one to ask for help, but i too am going to have to SUCK IT UP, and ask for help. I have a couple questions.
    My dr said I'd be in a cast, but i see your foot was wrapped any idea why that might be different??
    Was it easier to take a bath or shower?
    What type of Ice pack did you get, so i know it wont leak
    PS I love the clutch crutch idea, I will be going to cvs to purchase one, as well as crutch pads.I plan to follow your journey and hope to get a better sense of what is coming my way

  2. Hi Katie! Whew, yes you are going to have your hands full with 3 kids during recovery!! And I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, it is going to be hard and I'm sure you and your husband along with your kids are going to have to go through some changes during this time to "make it work." I had to be at an appointment for a couple hours in Springfield this past Monday which was my Day 24 post surgery and even then my dad drove me because I still am not even supposed to be operating a vehicle! So it does take a while recovery. I have seen some people who have their foot casted and I'm not sure exactly as to "why" some are casted and some like mine are not. I know there are different ways of doing a bunion surgery depending on the severity of the bunion. My was very extreme but then again it just might have been a different technique my surgeon uses compared to yours. Maybe you will have pins in your that they want to protect? Not sure exactly. I hope that doesn't get itchy though!
    BATH BATH BATH!!!! There's no way you could even try to balance to shower...getting in a tub was a feat in itself haha. I would put a stool next to the tub and a towel over it, fill the tub and very very CAREFULLY get it and just rest my surgery foot/leg on the ledge of the tub so that it doesn't get wet. You want to make sure that the bandage doesn't get wet AT ALL until your doctor removes all the bandaging and stitches and gives you an ok to bathe your foot and even shower. Even when you get that ok, I'm still taking baths so that my foot can really soak in the warm soapy water and epsom salt to help with the healing.
    My dad got a classic old school ice bag from T.J. Maxx that has a screw on cap and that way won't leak. I would use that and put it in a ziplock as well in case of some condensation. That worked really well. If you don't get one of those, make sure you just double, even triple up on ziplock bags. Anytime I have used them though, it seems once the ice melts, there is always a leak somewhere!
    With the kiddos, it could be good that they are older! They can understand it more I would think if you try to explain it to them. Also as crazy as you are doing it one week out from Christmas, that could be very beneficial to you in the parenting aspect. The kids should be on their VERY BEST behavior so that Santa comes and take care of mommy, right? ;-) Could definitely use the impending holiday as incentive for them to help out and help daddy take care of their mommy. I'm not sure if you have ever used charts before or if it's something that would work for them but an idea that I would do if I had three kids that were at that age is make a poster board and make it the "help mommy get better" chart. Things like good behavior all day, helping get dinner ready, folding laundry, bringing mommy fresh ice, etc, different tasks for the different ages and they can earn stars or whatever you feel is a good idea. But by the time Mommy is feeling better, depending on how many stars or something they have, maybe they get a reward or special toy for helping you get through this. Or maybe you do it every week, they get a special treat or Dad takes them out for dessert. Make it something fun for them so that they are apart of the process and don't feel left out. Make them your little doctors and you are their #1 patient! I would try to explain it to them too that you are doing this so you can keep playing with them and you won't have anymore foot pain if they can understand. It's difficult with kids, I've cried many times not because of post surgical pain but because I'm hurt that I can't take care of my child the way I "normally" do. It's a frustrating process but in the end it's something that is only for the better of you and your family so that you are healthy and pain free. It does get better, just make sure you listen to what your doctor tells you to do!!!!

  3. I had my surgery yesterday, on my right foot, both inner and outer bunions WOW, I cant believe its done. I am following Dr.'s orders. Though I cant imagine trying to do more than stay in bed. I dread the bathroom trips and its only across the hall, My bedroom is on the main floor, so the alone time is tough to come by, the kids are always peaking on me. But at least I can see them. I had an ok night last night, slept form 9:45pm-1am, I set my alarm to take me meds, but sadly they didn't knock me out, as I hoped they would. I was up until 4am, ugh. Finally fell back asleep on and off until 6am when my alarm went off for more meds (i was hoping to stay ahead of the main). then my husbannds alarm at 6:45, and all kids were up my 7:15am. one bummer to being on the main floor, there is no quiet way to get 3 kids ready for school. I was laying in bed listening to my husband try to figure out the lunches for the kids and listening to my oldest barder for a bag of chips for lunch, as well as for his snack. I think he won..It took so much for me to stay silent, but I figured I had to hang up that wonder woman cape and let my hubby take the reins. Who cares if my kids don't have a fruit in their lunch. Anyway not like you need a play by play you've been there. I just wanted to let yo know I am on my way to recovery and will be reviewing your blog as I do so. Thanks, having read this prior really helped me feel like I had a bit of an idea as to what I was getting in to. Thanks again

  4. Hey, I am 5 weeks post op and I must say I have read your blog about 10 times! It's nice to know I'm not the only one hating bed rest. I was just wondering how you are doing now? And did you get your other foot done? I'm having my feet done one by one, a little worried about having my second one done and weight bearing on the other one! Looking forward to hearing from you x

  5. Very long post so unfortunately mine will seem very short but here we go. On 18th June 2015 I had both both feet operated on. On the Friday night/Saturday morning I felt excruciating pain and had to visit the hospital the next day. They gave me some stronger medication to help with the pain and that night there was no more pain after taking the medication. On Monday the 22nd I was pain-free and stopped taking painkillers. I have been able to wiggle all my toes and the only part for me now is the boredom of sitting with my feet up but I have been managing to do stomach squats and I brought some weights in from the garage and Doing small workouts and exercises. I will just need to get my cardio levels back up once my feet are okay to take my weight again. I feel after reading your blog I have been very lucky especially having both feet done at the same time. All the best those out there going through the same thing, keep your feet elevated and do not rush. Karl Shaw, 34 years old from Halifax, England
    Ps, my only pain are the odd shooting pain which I can only presume are the bones fusing together and the body healing itself. 👍🏻

  6. Bunion is one of the most common forefoot deformities. A displacement of the bone under the 1st toe occurs. This causes the big toe to move towards the smaller toes. This shifting of the bones causes a bony prominence on the side of the patients foot (the bunion joint). Over a period of time the big toe may come to rest under (occasionally over) the 2nd toe.

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    Valgomed bei Hallux Valgus

  8. In 1999 I had a bunionectomy on my left foot because my big toe and adjacent toe were chafing seriously, producing blisters. After the surgery I had almost no pain, probably because I did not walk for about 7 days, except to go to the bathroom. Also the surgeon did a good job, judging from comments from other podiatrists I have seen. I had the option of doing the right foot too, but it never got done, which provides a natural experiment.

    Now in 2016, at the age of 72, I find my left foot is less well muscled and is weaker than my right foot and four or five times in the past year has tripped me up in a very peculiar way. The left toe hits the ground, then the right heel swivels outward, and then I am tumbling forwards, with the toe of my left foot (or the ball of the left foot) acting as the fulcrum. Happened again last night, Nov 10 2016, which is why I am writing now. Now maybe this is partly because in my college years, I trained myself to walk with my feet parallel, rather than splayed out, because (vanity) I thought the splayed look was inelegant. But it's now clear that splayed walking (heels closer together, toes further apart) has an advantage in preventing the kind of

    Anyway, reading the current online stuff that pops up when I google "bunionectomy problems", I see recommendations to regard bunionectomy as a last resort for fixing chafing toes, and to first try wearing shoes that in the toe area are both broad and high, to give more wiggle room for the toes.

    P.S. For some years now I have been wearing mil spec (military specification) army boots, 9" high, that are absolutely great as walking shoes, which is not surprising, since they are designed for walking very long distances . They look like regular shoes if you're wearing long pants with wide cuffs. Last night when I fell, my boots had not been laced all the way up. I'm not sure whether this contributed to the fall. Fortunately, when I fell last night I was walking parallel to a fence, so I was able to avoid hitting the ground. On a previous occasion I was not so fortunate, and hit a concrete sidewalk. Miraculously without any injury.

  9. Great blog on your surgery and recovery. I am on day 9 of my surgery and was fortunate that I only need pain medicine for the second day. My doctor ordered no ice as it has now been discovered that icing during swelling does not allow the lymph system to do what it does naturally to promote faster healing. Also, no ibuprofen as it reduces your bodies ability to create new bone which will delay my recovery. My husband has been my maid and cook as I am 60 years old.

    My next doctor checkup is for day 15 where my sutures will be removed. My operation type was a Chevron with a screw inserted for stability in the joint. I have been following doctors orders and feel quite good.

  10. I also had bunion surgery, but bunion starts rising again after 10-12 months. So now I am wearing a bunion corrector day and night to stop it. Also, I read that it automatically corrects the big toe place to its natural position. Nice blog!! Keep it up.

  11. I love that it explains foot problems, their causes, and preventions. It helps us to understand how foot problem occurs. For more information about Foot corn, you can read this blog post.
