Sunday, October 12, 2014

Target's "Frozen" Heart

So the other night, Saturday October 11th, 2014, I went to my nearest Target in Windsor, CT for a quick run. I was really just going to get the in-store special of the newly released special edition Sleeping Beauty. Because Lord knows Disney doesn’t let much out of their vault and when it’s finally out of there and on sale, you grab it. So while in there I meandered over to the Halloween costume area because their paper had stated Halloween Costumes for kids were Buy One Get One Free. Thought that would be a GREAT deal for Aubrey, she could have two costumes if she wanted and then continue to hold onto them for dress-up!

The Musical/Light Up Version of Elsa
I see a whole bunch of Elsa Musical/Light Up dresses. And one Anna. I press the buttons on both thinking these are pretty flipping’ UH-MAZING. At the same time I’m wondering how many button presses before this singing dress drives me absolutely NUTS. It was $34.99. At buy one, get one, I figured great deal, let me grab them now and show them to Aubrey, she will be PSYCHED. Take note as this is important that there were tons of other Elsa dresses there, especially the musical kind. Anna was practically all gone in all styles.

So I show Aubrey who was walking with my parents across the store. Um, PSYCHED for them was an understatement. She LOVED them! Get to the checkout, and the lady tells me my total is $100 and change…wait…what? Come again? I was buying a $22 DVD and $4.50 clearance toddler water shoes, $1 pink plastic pumpkin, plus two $34.99 dresses, one of which was free. Calculations in my mind don’t add up to $100. I asked if it took off the free costume. She said oh no it didn’t. These aren’t part of the special, they are Disney Licensed, they are dress-up, not the Halloween costumes, these are definitely not included. I was pretty in shock and confused. I told her that didn’t make sense because I specifically got them from the Halloween Costume area where there were a whole bunch of them there…..I didn’t see any exclusions listed. (WHAT THE FLYING FUDGE IS THE DIFFERENCE ANYWAY BETWEEN DRESS-UP AND A HALLOWEEN COSTUME?!?!!) Why would they be there if they weren’t part of the deal. All she could say, was to ask if I was going to get them or not. Wide eyed, I confirmed that there way no way I could afford that, so no. But I was still really confused. 

NO EXCLUSIONS mentioned AT ALL. Notice
it says's ALL KID'S costumes & accessories.
I told my mom there were other Elsa dresses in the back, non-musical that were cheaper that I could grab and another costume to get the deal. So after I paid I said let me go run back there to check. I booked it back there, it was getting late and I wanted to get home and get my daughter to bed. No sooner was I there looking and DOUBLE CHECKING the posted signs for any exclusions, NONE of which were listed, was there suddenly a manger looking Target employee right at my side who clearly ran there too. Guess what he did next, TOOK ALL THE FROZEN DRESSES. ALL OF THEM. I said, yea I was the one who tried to get the musical style, look at all of these. They are all here, it wasn’t just the two I took. Not only did he take the musical ones, he took every single Elsa dress left. I said well that one is part of the deal, can’t I get that one? He sternly told me no and that Elsa is “done”, “gone”, no more left…. Apparently people I must have gone blind of the at least 15 dresses in his hand that “qualified” for the buy one get one free. He then looked away from me, and went about on his work phone or special target price, inventory machine thingy. I was stunned, completely taken aback. I walked away, trying to “Let It Go.” But as I was thinking about it, I was only getting more upset and annoyed by the way Target handled the whole situation.

First of all, when I got to the front, my mom told me as soon as I walked away, the cashier got on her walkie-talkie to tell someone what happened and to go take the dresses. Not only did she say this over the walkie-talkie but she made it clear a “customer” was headed back there now. Oh, so that’s why you seemed in such a rush Target man….trying to race me? Your customer who was willing to spend some money at your store?

Second of all, I have worked in customer service A LOT. I have tons of experience. How you naturally handle a situation like that is simple. Honor the mishap. The customer is right, the store was wrong so you give the deal THEN you go take away any “un-qualifying” dresses that YOU put in the wrong spot. Simple. Happy customer, happy experience, no BS. 

Third, don’t be rude to your customers. To treat me like I was in the wrong is not cool. To take away all these dresses in front of me and say there were none left…totally NOT COOL. Not only that, but they are toddler costumes, not adult, so thanks for crushing my daughter’s Frozen dreams. Way to go, toddler dream crusher. I don’t have $70 for two costumes. Have a heart. Have a soul. Try to be helpful to your customers. 

When I got home, I hopped online to see if maybe I could get the deal on Target online. The musical dresses were showing they were not part of the deal. Ok, no problem. So I choose one Anna dress and one Elsa dress that were part of the sale. Put them in my cart, chose the “pick up from store” option to get the deal and they were listed “IN STOCK” at what surprising location? Windsor, CT.  Ironic, I just was and was told there were no more available. Hmm, how crazy is that? So I put my order in, everything confirmed. 

8:50 a.m. the next morning, Sunday, I receive an email from the Windsor Target saying that these dresses are suddenly unavailable at that location and I need to update my order or cancel it. Who wants to call BULLS**TTTTTT???!!?? I can pretty much guarantee whoever is running that store decided to try to screw me over AGAIN. Guess my order was “Frozen.” Because when I went to attempt to “update” it, the Elsa costumes were now sold out online. So it wouldn’t allow me to get that sale. It wouldn’t go through. Once again I’m left with nothing. Costumes are now 40% off this week making it close to that deal. But that is still not the point, this has come down to principle for me. I can’t seem to “Let It Go” because of the way everything was handled.

I’m fully aware that right now I am the crazy Mom getting all worked up over a silly costume. I keep telling myself this whole thing is silly. But I don’t like poor customer service. It really bothers me when people just don’t do the right thing. Not to mention I’ve had a few problems with Target this year. They actually cancelled my pre-order of a movie which was none other than…Frozen…yup, because they said the charge didn’t go through. I have a big credit line with them and my bill was paid off like it is every month….I think because I used a gift card on part of the transaction that it messed up that way. But all they did was blame Red Card, no Target, no call this department, etc. Just pointed the finger at everyone else and didn’t do anything to resolve the problem. I went and bought my copy at Wal-Mart. They also owe me two $20 gift cards from diaper purchases where a cashier and an online transaction for pick-up did not give me the gift card I was owed. So needless to say, Target and I are NOT on good terms. Not at all. For a company that had terrible press due to a serious security breech this year, you would think they would keep up with their customer service. All I can say is this…disappointed. Very, very disappointed. For goodness sakes, I wrote a blog on 12 Reason's Why We Love Target and one of my only "Mommy" times away all I wanted to do was go shopping at Target and I posted about that. Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll be going back to the Windsor, CT location. You know what they say in “Frozen" Target? “An act of true love can cure a frozen heart.” Maybe your team can act a little warmer in the future….

*Update* - I ran an errand Sunday in Enfield, CT. So I ran into a store there to check out their stock of Elsa dresses. I bought the Elsa dress not from the Halloween costume section but the doll area with the “dress-up” costumes. Guess what? The regular dress-up options that are there everyday are cheaper than all the other options set out in the Halloween section. The dress is also much nicer! I also found an Elsa tiara on serious clearance. Aubrey had to try it on as soon as she got home and was so happy! She was smiling from ear to ear and twirling around! She kept saying she was, “Queen Elsa of Arendale!” <3 Ugh my heart. See now how a Mom can get upset over the tiniest thing because you know how what seems so small puts such a big smile on your little one’s face. :D

*Sidenote: The funny thing about all this is I had a costume for Aubrey I got almost two months ago! But due to moving literally right after trick-or-treating I can’t go all out with a group costume like I wanted to. So I decided to table that costume idea until next year. Figured she loves Frozen so much, might as well get that costume out of our system. Us and the 4 million other Elsa’s I’m sure will be out there! 

#momproblems #targetfail

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