Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Journey to California: Headin’ South Y’all.

So it’s been no secret I have been working my way to get Aubrey and I back to Los Angeles, CA. It’s been quite a difficult journey trying to make it work out the right way to get back. Not to mention moving back with a toddler and all her lovely belongings is so much harder than my first move there. That consisted of me hoping on a plane with some suitcases, crossing my fingers that the room I rented off craigslist was going to work out and just figuring it all out day by day. The “why” I am going back will be a whole other edition of “The Journey to California” since SO many people can’t seem to stop asking that ever so annoying question. So believe me I will give you some answers and I never want to hear it asked again!

Back to present day. What is happening right now? Well I was really hoping to have everything figured out to have been back in CA already but clearly I’ve been stuck in Massachusetts and it’s only getting colder which is a very scary thing to me. (I HATE the cold. HATE.) There was a phenomenal work opportunity that I just slightly missed getting the position after three weeks of interviewing but there is still a potential opportunity with that company once I am physically out there. So that is good, I stick with the positive side of things. Finding somewhere to temporarily stay to solidify housing has proven a difficult feat and that is pretty important. My parents have known for months that they are moving to Georgia. It’s an amazing opportunity for them with my Dad’s job and it is truly for the best! Besides I would SO much rather visit them in the warm Southern weather than cold MA. The house has been on the market, my Dad is already in Georgia and it’s time to move. There is this beautiful new house waiting for my parents in Georgia….so what are Aubrey and I to do?

We’re heading South. Going to get some sweet tea, some peaches and practice our, “Hey y’all !!” BUT this is all temporary. It’s not permanent but it’s just another phase of our journey. It will save me some money too. Cutting out about 700 miles of shipping a pod to LA cuts costs. The Atlanta airport has non-stop, cheaper flights to LAX. Anyone who travels with kids, especially toddlers can totally understand how critical a direct flight is over layovers, even more so when you are a single parent juggling all your items plus your child through an airport and on a plane. EXHAUSTING. Gives me more time to sell my car here because let’s be real, the gosh darn shipping costs are more than my car is worth. So I’ll sell it and use that towards a used vehicle in CA. It all just makes financial sense which is very important to me. 

It gives us a bit more time with Grandma and Abuelo too. I know how hard it is going to be to eventually do our “see ya later” flight back to CA but some time in Georgia will be nice. I can finally have someone to help watch Aubrey so I don’t have to pay for childcare the month I’m there and be able to work. That’s been a huge burden figuring that out. I don’t mind being a single parent household, I’m fine with it, but it just has made things like that really, really freaking hard to get sorted out. 

So that is the update. I’m out of here in two weeks. Literally after trick or treating on Halloween, that is it. I say goodbye to the house I grew up in since I was in fourth grade. If the walls could talk, oh the stories they would tell !!! The forts we made in the woods, the pond we would ice skate on, a pool with tons of memories of laughter, soaking up the sun and wiffle ball games. My mom’s beautiful gardens that all have a meaning or dedication to someone or somewhere. But we’re not really leaving it behind, we are taking it with us. That’s the great thing about memories. You can’t leave them behind, they follow you, they are in your mind and more importantly in your heart. It’s just a house. Just a backyard. Now it’s time for new memories, in a new house with a new yard. It’s literally a clean slate just waiting for the laughter, the grandchildren that will visit, the new family members, husbands, wives that will come along. And the best part…..when everyone up North is complaining how cold they are and how tired they are of the snow….my parents and I will be posting a picture of a nice drink, the sun and the temperature in the 70’s whether it be in Georgia or California…. ;D 

Here we go! 

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