Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Our Big E Adventure: Grizzly Bears, Big Potatoes, Getting Peed On And Cats In The Circus!

I always look forward to Big E season. Who doesn’t around here? But having a kid makes the Big E all that MUCH more exciting!! Why? Because everything is suddenly a million times cooler than before. Big cows create shock and awe, the toddler rides in the carnival area just make a kids eyes HUGE in amazement and you bet I’m suddenly knocking people over with my stroller to wait an hour and 15 minutes to get into the circus for my princess. 

Some people that live nearby get season passes to the Big E but my family opts for the discounted Big Y pass that we get before the fair starts and we spend an ENTIRE day there. That means one day of parking, one day of food and not going back to spend any more money! Cost effective plan. My goal for the day was to make sure we got to see the Grizzly Experience show and the Big E circus. That alone makes the ticket to get in all worth it. Besides, I saw they listed that there were cats performing in the circus. CATS?! SOLD. I’M THERE.

We headed straight for the Grizzly experience and luckily snagged a seat in the bleachers so Aubrey had a great view and she loved it! She thought the Grizzly was “SO CUTE,” of course. They went over every safety tip you need to know if you encounter a bear, especially if you hike and I was happy to say I knew all of them! I’m alway prepared when out on hikes with Aubrey although I did learn they actually make a product called bear spray if you need it….who knew? 

Tried to get into the circus and it was already full so we would have to try again later. But we went over to spend a lot of time in the farm building with all the animals. Aubrey LOVED it there. She had full on conversations with all the sheep and couldn’t get over all the cute baby cows and goats there. She just keep going up and down the aisles all over to make friends with every animal. It was pretty adorable.

We ran into the Big E “Biggie” Bear and I was in shock at that love encounter. I thought she might be afraid of him, but ran into his arms and didn’t want to let go! We literally had to usher her away and she kept lingering, waving good bye to him, saying, “See you soon bear!” Definitely tugged at the heart strings. I’m gonna have to bring multiple changes of clothing for the day we hit Disneyland because I’m confident she is gonna poop herself multiple times encountering those characters in person if she reacted this way to a simple bear!
At the Midway, I let her pick one ride. Carnival rides are expensive $$$. So of course she begged to go on the “Magic Horsey’s!” (That would be the carousel) She was delighted!

Now time for food. Now I know many people hit up the Maine building for the potato but we have been going to CT for a few years now. Apparently this year we weren’t the only people that discovered how much better the potatoes are at the CT building. It’s our big meal of the day and lasts us all day while there so we aren’t spending money on food all day. They have a HUGE potato with all the fixings AND you can add pulled pork or chili on top. So I get a potato with the fixings and the pulled pork for $8.50, that feeds me AND Aubrey AND I still couldn’t finish it all. It’s AH-MAZING. 

After filling baby girl’s tummy, it way way past her nap time and I finally got her to sleep in the stroller. Gave my arms a break and some quiet time which meant I hit up the Chevy area to check out the new prospective SUV that may be in my future and determine how much I need to save. Ahhh that new car smell. We went browsing around all the shopping booths and unfortunately missed the parade since Aubrey was sleeping still. She was still asleep but we headed over at 5:40 to check out the situation at the circus for the final 7pm showing. If you haven’t tried to see the circus before, it FILLS UP FAST. You HAVE to get there early to try to get in. We made it in line and were guaranteed to get in. She woke up from her nap as they were finally letting us in around 6pm. I parked the stroller and here’s where I made a mistake that I will revert back to in a bit….

She did great waiting for the show and we had phenomenal seats. She was a little scared of how loud it got in the beginning with the whole tent cheering and clapping and made me put my hands over her ears. But she thought the clown was funny and was simply in awe of the lights and everything going on! There was a juggling act that was out of this world and then this cute dog act came out. During this act I suddenly felt a warm liquid in my lap that was soaking into my jeans. Am I getting peed on right now? AM I GETTING PEED ON?! Yep. That’s how exciting the circus was. Aubrey peed ALL OVER MY LAP. A LOT. 

Let’s revert to that mistake I made earlier. I parked the stroller to get into the circus after she just woke up from a nap. She pees a lot during a nap and in the rush to get a seat at the circus I forgot I should have changed her diaper. She didn’t have one of her “good” ones on, it was a brand that can soak through and boy it did. Luckily she had a change of pants I brought so she got a dry diaper and dry pants and me….well I got pee soaked pants and bottom of my shirt for the remainder of the night. And it was humid out so that wasn’t drying AT ALL for me like I hoped. Oh well….she was loving the circus so what’s some pee? Welcome to parenthood. As for the remainder of the circus she truly loved it. I loved the act with the cats. Because I love anything with cats and I apologize in advance to my cat, Cali, for all the tricks I’m planning on attempting to teach her. She keeps telling me about the funny clown, the cats, the dogs, the motorcycle, all the acts she saw at the circus. It's so cute!

It was a great day. Ended it with some soft serve for Aubrey, more visits with animals like the elephants, zebra and camels. She was happy to bring home some free mardi gras beads too. I will definitely miss the Big E when I move. It’s been an annual visit for so long but there will be plenty of other fairs, carnivals and circuses to look forward to throughout the year and I can’t wait! The Big E experience changes when you become a parent but as every experience changes, I’ve noticed one thing, it’s always a change for the better. There's nothing like seeing everything you once knew through the eyes of a child again.

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