Monday, September 15, 2014

48 Needle Scratches And 10 Needle Injections Later, I'm Allergic To...

Trees.  Flippin' tree pollen.

Yup. All that for tree pollen being the only thing showing up on my allergy testing. I feel like a lot of people seem to get allergies to tree pollen during the April - June period that it is dominant in the area.

Thanks for the kids top...I'm so excited.
So this is good and this is bad news. With allergy testing, you don't really want to find something wrong but at that same time if you do that means you may have found an answer to what has been giving your body trouble.  For me, this answers nothing. Nada. Zilch. 

What led me to allergy testing? Welllll that's a longer explanation that I have time for right now. I'll have to take the time to find the monstrous photos of me having a "reaction" to who know's what that landed me in the hospital TWO times in the past three years due to it's severity. Let's just say the first time, I woke up in the hospital in Los Angeles to at least 5 doctors surrounding me, staring at me like a case out of "House" and none of them had any idea what was going on with me. Still to this I have no answers. But I promise to share that story and those stunning photos with you another time.

48 Needle Scratches
My appointment started off with them giving me a hospital top to put on...and not a gown, no, some paper towel item that they consider a top. I've wiped my boogers off on a thicker tissue. The doctor came in and said, "Oh they gave you the pediatric top, for kids! Well it fits, so that's good." So being confused for a 12 year still occurs to me at this age. Today consisted of 48 needle scratches. So they were split up into big graphs with 8 needles each and the nurse just kind of plops it on to your back. It didn't hurt. (And I hate needles) It really felt like I was being scratched and slightly tickled at the same time....I know that sounds odd but that's the best way I can put in. I did give a little jump each time as it just felt so odd. After all graphs are done, they tell you to sit still for 15 and whatever you do, DON'T SCRATCH.

She walked out the door and all I wanted to do was scratch!!! AHHHH! Imagine having an itch and not being able to relieve it by scratching. Kind of one of the most annoying things ever. Thank god for Wifi and my cellphone to distract me....

When two small bumps reacted out of the 48, the doctor then moved onto more specific testing in the "tree and plant" department to test on me. This meant 10 needles. And yes I mean actual needles that were injected into my arm this time. All I could do was keep holding a conversation with the nurse to keep my mind off of what she was doing. A lot of the conversation consisted of exchanging stories about where we gave birth to our children. A gentle reminder that if I survived childbirth, what's a few needles...or ten? No biggie! Another 15 min wait....
10 Needle Injections

Honestly after she left the room, I look at my arm and just started laughing. I couldn't help it. This was so absurd. I looked absolutely ridiculous. Were more needles heading my way after this? I looked so ridiculous with all these injections! Better yet my phone died so onto the boring magazine in the room.

The doctor confirmed that was the last round of testing. He suggested some allergy medicine if I seem to be acting up. Said chewable pills act faster so I'll keep that in mind and he was sorry he didn't seem to find out what has been affecting my body previously.  At the end of that day at least I ruled out a whole bunch of possibilities. So now I'm left with a pretty sore shoulder and arm, and when I sneeze during high pollen seasons, now I know why...

1 comment:

  1. Curious if you have an 'intolerance' that mimics an allergy.
