Sunday, November 16, 2014

You Took Night Time Cold Medicine Mom? Let's Stay Awake All Night!

So I woke up Saturday morning with swollen lymph nodes and an incredibly dry throat along with a lovely headache. After a quick investigation at my throat with a flashlight and seeing lovely white bumps all about, I have self diagnosed myself with some strep.

Never the less the day wasn't bad, but I was feeling pretty crappy later on. So before bed I took a multi-symptom NIGHT time medicine. I wanted night time to help me get a solid night of sleep since I am often a restless sleeper lately. (My brain hasn't been able to shut off apparently with so much going on)

Took the  medicine, got the kiddo to sleep, did some online research for a bit until I felt really tired. I probably went to sleep a little after or around 10:30. Well apparently some evil curse must have been placed on me because my toddler decided to give a night more restless than any other when I was in a zombie mode....

11:30 pm - Toddler gets out of bed and crawls into mine. This is no surprise, happens quite often still but not quite this early in the night usually.

11:30pm - 2:30am - An extreme amount of toddler rolling about in bed and kicking me. You are already taking up 90% of the queen size bed just get comfortable and GO TO SLEEP.

2:35 am - "Mommy I want juice." The juice is far far away in a land called the kitchen which is down the long hallway, down the long stairway and into the still even further far away fridge. I offer water since that's what I kept up there for her. She doesn't want much. If you don't want much water, you aren't that thirsty....go to sleep.

4:11 am - "Mommy I want something to eat." -- "It's 4am, everyone is sleeping, it's dark outside, go back to sleep, close your eyes, you can have breakfast in the morning with everyone else, you're fine."

[Thoughts occurring in my head at this point...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FREAKIN' KIDDING ME. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TONIGHT. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???!!!! Ugh my throat hurts so bad, I need some does she take up so much room in the bed?]

4:32 am - "Mommy I have to go pee pee's." - In the almost two and a half years of your lovely little life, you have never once in the middle of the night woken up and asked to go "pee-pee". Never once. But tonight CLEARLY is the opportune time to try it out. Clearly.

No matter how sick you are, when your toddler actually asks to go pee pee, you give it a shot. Although I should have known it wasn't the full truth.....

Sick mommy takes toddler to the bathroom and praises the lord that at least it is located IN the bedroom and we don't have to go far. Toddler asks to put the light on. HELL NO. (I just said no, I don't actually swear, I just think those words in my head) We can see fine. If we put the light on, I'll go blind and lose my way back to the bed and it will probably only wake up the toddler even more. Cries because she doesn't want to go potty. Crazy how quick that changes in a matter of 60 seconds. Change pee soaked diaper because clearly that's where she decided to empty her bladder. And back to bed. Now it's about 4:45am "GO TO SLEEP." "We can snuggle, but CLOSE YOUR EYES."

5:33 am - "Mommy I want something to eat." Again?! Really? No, it's still too early GOOOOO TOOOO SLEEEEPPPPP. EVERYONE IS FAST ASLEEEEEP in the world. EVERYONE.

Ugh I'm gonna have to actually wake up in an hour with her. What happened to my night of sleep?

7:09 am - "Mommy, WAKE UP. I want something to eat. Get up. Take it off! (in regards to my eye mask as she pries it off my head)" I guess I have no more excuses and have to get up now. "Give me a minute to stretch Aubrey, just give me a minute to get up ok? I'll make you some sausage and eggs for breakfast." (Pretty nice breakfast offer I think considering how crappy I feel)
Response from toddler....let's jump on Mommy. On her stomach, on her legs and let's plop our little butt directly on mom's face multiple times.

I must have been cursed from the moment I took that night time medicine. Like the universe thought it was hysterical I actually wanted to sleep. Some moms I know are up more than that. And I completely darling baby girl never slept a single night through until she was 15 months old. Yup. She was up pretty much that entire span of her life every two hours. On a good night, I would get a three hour block of sleep.  But never in her toddler life have I had SO many requests in the middle of the night and so much tossing and turning that kept hitting, kicking and plopping on top of me. And normally I wouldn't even care that much but I felt like CRAP. Plus this is the downsides of single motherhood, there is never anyone else to get up even when you're sick, in a cold medicine coma and not wanting to move. I'm crossing my fingers tonight is better. Send your sleepy vibes to the both of us tonight!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well I knew some people who can stay awake for up to 5 days or so, 120 hrs, but not naturally they do it with drugs, captagon for instance, which is amphetamine + theosophy. But they really up on the long term, I mean losing there decent jobs, and some imprisoned ..etc. So, it doesn't worth it.So check also ways to stay awake all night for more info.

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