Wednesday, August 20, 2014

When Those Old Baby Receipts Come In Hand BIG TIME.

My glider. A staple in my life as a mom. It has gained some serious mileage in the two years of use it has endured. I ALWAYS use it to get my daughter to sleep and I’ve fallen asleep countless times in it as well, exhausted from late night breastfeeding parties and rocking in it for HOURS at a time trying to get a sleepy, stubborn baby to sleep. It has been sturdy and reliable. 
Then one night….it broke….and when I mean broke, I mean broke, no way to glide anymore, how the heck am I gonna get my daughter to sleep with it BROKEN. I had done normal maintenance on it, tightened screws, sprayed it with WD-40 and coconut oil to cut down on the inevitable squeaking but this time screws on the base of the glider had come out and the wood was completely split. I tried to screw them back in but when I sat down again, PLUMP, the chair dropped down again. 

I thought I could fix it. Put a type of hinge on it because there is no way I could just go and buy a new glider. I decided first to contact the company and see if they had suggestions to fix it or sold a repair kit or piece, maybe something that would help. Even though I owned it for over two years, I figured why not try?

So I contacted Shermag via their email on their website explaining the situation. I received a prompt email back requesting proof of purchase and the product ID number on the bottom of the chair. Easy peasy. This is where my paper organization skills came in handy. I kept all my receipts and orders from baby items in a specific folder JUST IN CASE. And two years later it was easy to pull out and find exactly what I needed. My receipt and shipping paperwork from Target was easily accessible. I had purchased my chair from them right after my baby shower since it was something I still needed. I took a picture with my phone of the documents and attached it to the reply email along with a few pics of where the glider was broken so they could actually see what happened.

Once again, within a short time period that day I received a glorious email from them saying that even though I was way past the warranty period, my glider should not have broken the way it did. They were going to ship me for free what I needed!! YAY!!! I truly wasn’t expecting anything like this! Only thing was I had to wait a bit, I called at the end of July about this and their company was on vacation until August 11th since they are out of Canada. (<--- I want that type of vacation time!) So the order was to be put in but wouldn’t be processed until a few weeks. I had no problem since this was saving me from having a broken glider, possibly buy one, and who knows how my attempt to fix it would have gone. 

Well last night a box was delivered and an entire new, beautiful base had arrived. With ease I switched it out with the old broken one that had been sitting there collecting dust and sat in to glide….ahhhh I was in heaven. For the past few weeks I had been using my an old wooden rocker my parents had…which worked but it would slide alllll the way across the room and sometimes spin as a I rocked. Let’s just say it “glided” in a totally different way. 

So the lesson learned here, besides the fact that Shermag provided EXCEPTIONAL customer service, is to SAVE all those baby receipts/warranty paperwork. I never thought two years later it would come in handy. Also make sure to fill out all those annoying little cards that are attached to product for warranties and recalls. They are worth it. You can also usually register your products online. I also encourage never hesitating to contact the company if you have any questions, concerns, or something breaks! You might be pleasantly surprised as I was. 

And let me say, Aubrey fell asleep much faster last night as were back in our smooth glider again. :-D  Thank you Shermag!!
Reunited and it feels SOOOO GOOD!!!!

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