Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fit4Mom Greater Springfield Stroller Strides

Fit4Mom Greater Springfield-Stroller Strides has come to Western Mass and I couldn’t be happier!!! This is the world’s largest fitness program for moms offering pre and post-natal fitness classes for every stage of motherhood. But it is even more than that…..

Let me start from the beginning. When I first had my daughter I had heard about stroller stride classes, mom workout classes, cool stroller groups, and when I researched it in the area I found NOTHING remotely close. When I took a mommy/baby yoga class, which I absolutely LOVED, it was an hour drive away. So an hour drive there, an hour class and an hour drive home with a baby who wasn’t too fond of car rides. Why wasn’t there something closer?!??Needless to say when I found out from a friend that local Westfield resident, Claire Lebeau, had brought the Fit4Mom program to the area I was beyond thrilled!!! 

A Grand Opening Event was held August 6, 2014 at Stanley Park in Westfield where there were almost 30 moms and their kiddos in strollers working out together. It was absolutely AMAZING. We all had a blast together. After Claire provided healthy snacks, goody bags and more information about the program. 

The thing about Stroller Strides is that it isn’t just a normal fitness class. Many people know I love doing anything active with my daughter. I take her in the jogging stroller, pull her on my bike and take her for long hikes. I think it is a great start when they are young to lead by example a healthy, active lifestyle. Every time I head out the door for Stroller Strides class, my daughter proudly announces she is going to “yoga”!! She asks me on days there isn’t class if we are going. It’s adorable and I’m happy that she loves to go. She is two, she can get antsy, so she stretches her legs while we do mat work sometimes then hops back into her “chariot” to keep moving. Other than that she absolutely loves when we incorporate singing into the workouts. You would never think you would be in a workout class doing squats and singing, “No More Monkey’s Jumping On the Bed!!!”, or “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” as you do arm exercises with a resistance band. It can get challenging as the workout gets harder but the lil ones love it!

This class is welcoming to every mother at any fitness level you are at. From mothers expecting their second child any day pushing their eldest in a stroller, mothers who just gave birth three months ago, mother’s that haven’t had the opportunity to get out in months to the mom who may run everyday! It works for EVERY type of level. If you need to walk instead of jog or run, it’s all up to you. Everyone does the same exercises, Claire always has everyone doing something at all times. You may make it back to the meet up area first after a jog and she has you moving until the rest of the ladies are all there. She also provides modifications and different levels of challenging yourself on the exercises you do. You may find yourself starting on your knees for pushups one week and making your way to full body pushups the next! 

A village of Moms. At the end of the day the common denominator here bringing all of us women together is we are MOMS. We understand each other. In this class if you arrive a little late because the baby decided to have a blowout before you walked out the door, the baby decided they needed to eat more again or your toddler conveniently spilled something all over themselves requiring yet another outfit change, it’s ok. No need to explain, the good part is you made it! Now you get an hour to focus on yourself. If your little one cries, needs to eat or fusses, it’s totally ok too! Because here we completely get it. You can tend to your baby and then join back in. There was a mom feeding her baby with a bottle while in the stroller and doing arm circles with her free arm to stay involved. 

Beyond the great workout you get out of class (you WILL be sore tomorrow), you leave with that sense of community. It’s a great gathering of moms who can share advice, tips, laughter, and it’s totally an acceptable place to talk about baby poops and spit up. A lot of moms hang around for a bit after class chatting. And yet another perk is the playground right there. My daughter’s favorite thing to run to right after is the park so she can slide, swing and climb! She gets to have her fun right after class too and Mommy gets a bit more cardio in chasing her around. 

So, get up, get out the door and get moving with Fit4Mom!!! Just get there! Once you push yourself to get there, you will be so glad you did. All you need is yourself, the stroller, a yoga mat, water and don't forget the kid! It’s a pretty cool feeling workout out with your little one amongst a group of other moms, babies and strollers. We are a sight to be seen and many passerby’s cheer us “Moms” on! You sacrifice a lot everyday as a Mom and this is an opportunity to put yourself first, AND the first class if FREE, so what are you waiting for? 

For more information about Fit4Mom Greater Springfield Stroller Strides, including plans and pricing and to enroll in your free first class, you can contact:

Owner and Instructor Claire Lebeau at: 413.530.4447 

Please share with a local Mom who you think might be interested! Let's spread the word!

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By: Marissa Reyes


  1. I did not know that Springfield has this Fit4Mom program. I would definitely join this.

  2. This is one great program for moms. I want personal fitness in Springfield just like this.
