Thursday, August 8, 2013

First of all, WELCOME! Thank you for stopping by Life's A Beach. My name is Marissa and I am very excited to be able to share this blog with everyone. If you haven't guessed my favorite place is the beach. It is my sanctuary, a place I could be ALL day long! A place to clear your mind, have fun, exercise, eat, drink and be merry. So that's what this blog will be about. It will be fun including posts about fitness, health, shopping deals, crafts, food, drinks and momming. Yes I just made up a word. Momming. It's what I do best!

My newly one year old daughter Aubrey is my world and I am the luckiest momma to have been blessed with such a sweet baby girl. As some of you know, yes, I am a PROUD single mom. I am not ashamed of this but hey I want to make sure I get all the credit of raising her and providing for her! With mom and dad duties, you bet your tush besides taking my daughter for a ride in her bike trailer that I assembled it too!

Photo Credit: LA Photographer Melissa Bergen

Now I can't forget to mention my other family member. My cat, Cali. She is two years old and my cuddly fuzzball. Be prepared for the many posts involving the adventures of Aubrey and Cali. They are a modern day Tom and Jerry. Always getting into shenanigans together but at the end of the day they love each other! Their relationship is adorable and quite hilarious.

I am all about positivity and finding the good in everyone and everything. It's how I choose to live my life. The golden rule "Treat others how you would like to be treated" is my motto. Cause guess what? Life is not always a "beach"....sometimes it's a "b**ch" (this blogs alter ego :p) and there is this little thing in life called KARMA. No matter how rough life may get sometimes, even if we feel we are caught in a riptide and only being pulled down further, keep swimming my friends! It's going to be OK! Just be a good person, always do the right thing and do right by others. Smile at strangers, offer a helping hand to someone in need and remember that your family is your #1. Be humble, honest, selfless, laugh A LOT, have FUN in life, go OUTSIDE and I promise you will find the happiness you seek. :)

Well I guess that's an intro to me and my little family and what this blog is about. I welcome constructive criticism, topics you want discussed and posts you would like to see! 
Life's A Beach. Wear Your Sunscreen. ;)




  1. Excellent start. I have the feeling this might be big and popular with the passage of time. ;) First blog I might actually follow "religiously".

  2. You are welcome! I should head further north on my next vacation in the East Coast to meet Aubrey and you! :D
