Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Enders CT State Forest Hike

Well if you live in Western MA, then you know that this past Sunday was GORGEOUS. Absolutely perfect weather. Which makes for a great opportunity to go on a hike with my baby girl! Hmmm, where to hike? Thank goodness for good 'ole google on my cellphone where I just said "nearby hiking trails" and VOILA, up popped a ton of options. I thanked the phone for being awesome, checked the map and just picked a trail! Enders CT State Forest it was and only 15 mins away at that.

Not exactly a trip where you have to load up the diaper bag. So I packed a few necessities into my child's chariot for the day. The Kelty FC 3.0 Child Carrier. Sound snazzy? Cause it is. It is the new highlight of mine (and well Aubrey's) life. I'm a bargain hunter and I found it being sold at a store where things have been "gently used." I'm pretty sure it was a gift someone didn't want or just wouldn't use because it was in brand new condition at a not brand new price. SOLD. It was MINE. Best day ever. Getting sidetracked with my love for this hiking carrier....anyway....packed 2 diapers, travel wipes, 3 peaches, baggy of baby cookies, water bottle for me, juice/water bottle for Aubrey and clipped on my camera to the carrier and a toy for Aubrey in case nature for some reason wasn't going to be entertaining enough.

The smartphone is so smart and it really only took 15 mins to get there, enough time to give Aubrey a pep talk about the adventure to come and get excited with some good jams. Parking is right next to the path that leads down into the state forest and it's trails/not trails/woods (it is hiking, not a walk in the park) which was very convenient. Aubrey was easily put into the hiking carrier, I strapped her onto me and we were on our way! As we got to the bottom of the path, the sound of the waterfalls was all you could hear. And boy was it a beautiful, serene sound that I could listen to all day. Aubrey's reaction to all this..."WOWWWW, WHOAAA, WOWWW." Put that on repeat, that would be her review of the hike and seeing the waterfalls. Really though, she explains it best! I was thinking the same thing, she just said it.

There were people scattered throughout this adventure, with children as well, climbing all throughout the forest, rocks, and waterfalls. Dogs were getting their hike in too for the day with their owners, having a grand time in the forest. Many places were VERY, VERY steep and I was careful to avoid those. Safety first, especially when you have a one year old in a big hiking carrier strapped to you. Most people seemed to have been there before and were equipped with towels and bathing suits because there are places to swim a little and play in the pools from the waterfalls.

The video and pictures below can best describe the rest of our adventure. We explored all over and it was simply a perfect day. After our hike, we went back up to the parking area, sat on a blanket and ate some peaches together. YUM! I definitely will be going back there with Aubrey. Who knew such a beautiful place was so close?

Peaches! YUM!

I have the best co-hiker!
A good hike makes for a tired baby!
Enders CT State Forest is located at:
Route 219
Granby, CT 06090

Background Track Used in Video: Jack Johnson - Never Know

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lovely place! And up there even with the sun I assume it is never too hot, so its the perfect place to hike and all that! (Or am I wrong about MA not ever getting too hot? lol)
