Wednesday, April 1, 2015


6 weeks. It took 6 weeks too long to get everything set up. Mind you amid starting a new full time job, finding a place to live, purchasing a car, finding a preschool, moving into a new apartment and purchasing/transporting furniture since I had nothing, this seems like a reasonable and somewhat quick amount of time to get everything done in. But to me, it was a lifetime. A lifetime away from my daughter. I missed Christmas with her, New Year’s…things I felt like I couldn't get back. (But fully intended to recreate Christmas in our new apartment!)

Getting back to Atlanta, I wish the plane could have flown FASTER. Aubrey didn't know I was coming back that day. When I came to the door and rang the doorbell (I wish I could have had her face filmed!!) she did a triple take. Confusion followed by sheer excitement and disbelief. She yelled, “MY MOMMY, IT’S MY MOMMY!!” I've never seen her like that before. I could see how much she had missed me and it was the best hug I think I ever had with her because there was so much emotion in it. We just needed to have a good long embrace that was long overdue. I MISSED HER SO MUCH!

I feel like she grew SO much in such a short time. And she just kept showing me all the Christmas decorations and everything she had been doing with Grandma and Abuelo while I was away. Now I flew in on a Friday and was leaving that Sunday afternoon so it was a QUICK trip. Since I was flying Southwest Airlines, each passenger can fly two bags free. So you better believe I was still hauling four more suitcases full of things I left behind back to California. My body also decided that it was a good time to catch a nasty cold. I almost didn't get on the plane Sunday but forced myself so that we could just get back and then I would get better once home.

We got back LATE. Sometime after midnight, it was a LONG day of traveling. Aubrey was SO excited to see “Aubrey’s house” and she lit up walking in and being reunited with her toys and belongings and most importantly HER BED. Over the 6 weeks we were apart, she was not happy with me for taking her bed! It was pretty humorous. She constantly reminded me that, “Mommy took my bed!” (insert toddler sour puss face). I worked from home the next day so she could adjust to the new place and new time zone. I took her to visit her preschool down the road which SHE surprisingly asked me to do! The RELIEF I had that my baby girl was finally here in Los Angeles with me, we were finally together was unreal. I was so excited for what was ahead for us.

At work, next to my desk I have a small column that juts out and I call it my “motivation wall.” The only thing on it are pictures of Aubrey. If I ever have a rough day, miss her at preschool or just need that boost, I look at it and am reminded of why I am doing what I am doing, and why I have pushed myself through all these barriers to get to this point. I am doing this for her. To give HER a better life, a fulfilled life with endless opportunities. To show her that she can be anything she wants to be and that women are strong, successful leaders.  My goal is to strive to be the best role model I can for her and the strongest woman in her life. Because someday I hope to be receiving a recognition for my impact at work, maybe a promotion, maybe my own company or any other important life milestone that my daughter will be there and she will proudly be saying, “My Mommy, It’s My Mommy.”