Thursday, July 31, 2014

FREE $25 Credit When You Sign Up for Rue La La Through My Personal Invite!!!


Here’s an AWESOME deal for you from Rue La La! For a limited time Rue La La is offering a whopping $25 credit to new members HERE
Rue La La is an invitation only shopping site that offers several different sales everyday at reduced prices anywhere from 40 to 70% off retail. Rue La La is awesome, they have offers on clothes, accessories, housewares, gourmet food, travel deals, kids clothes and much more. Plus you only pay for shipping once and then get FREE shipping on everything you order for 30 days. The credit also counts TOWARDS shipping cost if you want!

So if you are new to Rue La La be sure to grab your $25 credit HERE. Keep in mind, it can take up to 72 hours for your $25 credit to be added to your account. I simply emailed them through the contact section and they added it INSTANTLY. Also, on a cool note, Rue La La sells fancy wines, so I suppose this credit could be WINE money, if that is what floats your boat. 

The signup offer expires on 8/6, and then you will have until 8/25 to spend your credits.

Happy Shopping! :)

Children Understand WAY MORE Than You Think

Never underestimate what you think your children can understand. Something I learned yesterday with my two year old. I do know that she is a very smart little girl, very. I know that she understands just about everything I tell her and explain to her pretty well. If she doesn’t, she asks! That’s just my little curious girl. But something happened that shocked me. I mean really, truly SHOCKED me. I couldn’t believe what came out of my daughter’s mouth!

If any of you are parents, then I’m sure you have seen the Disney movie “Frozen” a few dozen times (at the very least) already.  My daughter LOVES that movie, LOVES it. She loves it so much she wakes me up ALL the time in the morning just like the movie by sitting on top of me, opening one of my eyelids and asking me, "Do you wanna build a snowmannnn?" (<-- Yea, that puts a smile on my face anytime with limited sleep) She sings the lyrics to the songs in the car, wherever I put it on and just will sing out loud randomly wherever she is. It’s as adorable as it sounds. So we were in the car with my parents and I was in the backseat with her, naturally the soundtrack was playing and she was singing along to everything.  The ever popular song “Do You Want To Build A Snowman?” came on and if you recall the movie there is a long instrumental in middle of the song. During this time in the movie (to recap for those who may not know) the main characters Elsa and Anna say goodbye to their parents that are leaving on a trip, on a boat. As seems to occur in most Disney movies, the parents are “killed off” so to say. You see a big storm on the ocean and a wave toppling over the ship. We see Anna dressed all in black at a funeral type service and Elsa with everything completely “frozen” in her room she is so upset of their passing. 

Here is the video from YouTube, the instrumental part starts around 1:40.


Ok, so pretty basic. Like I said, my daughter understands A LOT for her age yet I just kind of assumed this part of the movie went over her head. First of all, she doesn’t really hear the word “Daddy” around here and I didn’t think she would get that the parents had a really bad boat accident. Wrong. Totally wrong. If you watch this clip of her during the instrumental in the song she recaps exactly what happened in the movie and the characters emotions. She knows that the girls were said because of “Mommy and Daddy”…..she was so in tune to what WAS happening in the movie. It’s like she saw the movie playing out in her head during the songs. (Happens to me but I’m 26, she’s 2!) 

I was truly dumbfounded. In shock, proud of her though and completely touched by HER emotions to these characters’ emotions.  I’ve always made sure people watch what they say around her because children hear and see more than we think they do. They pay attention even when we think they are not. So don’t doubt your children and their ability to know what is going on, not in just a movie (be careful what you watch around them), yet in everyday life.  Watch what you say on the phone around them, in conversations with others, and be aware that they are learning every moment of the day. Babies, toddlers, children with disabilities or learning disabilities….never stop believing in them. These beautiful children of ours are soaking in everything around them! Some may take a little longer to communicate or show us they understand but believe me I will never underestimate a child’s understanding again! 

As for my daughter, I am one proud mama. I hope she always stays in tune with emotions the way she does and that continues to soak up everything around her. I hope that when she doesn’t completely understand something, she will always come to ask me for an explanation, or advice. I look forward to all the future shocking things that come out of the “mouth of babes” as they say. She truly never ceases to amaze me!

Here's what she said!


Friday, July 11, 2014

The Days Are Long But The Years Fly By...

My baby girl has turned TWO. TWOOOO!!! Even at this age I’m in awe at how FAST the time has gone.   What really amazes me is how much my daughter has grown, not just in the physical meaning but in everything she does from feeding herself to holding full on conversations with me now. Her personality has blossomed and so has her attitude…

It seems like yesterday she was just my little 7lbs 8oz teeny tiny baby in my arms. How did this happen already? By golly if the first two years has flown by, I can’t even imagine how quick the years will pass and all of a sudden she will be going off to college!

Reflecting on these two years, I have been incredibly blessed to have a healthy, happy baby. There is nothing to truly complain about at all. She pretty much only went to the doctor for her scheduled check-ups.  In two years, we have had only one ear infection (thank you breastfeeding!), one episode of vomiting from a 24 hour bug and a diagnosis of “curly toes”, where her pinky toes curl in a bit which apparently is very common in small children, and a pronation of her left ankle, which means it is protruding out a little bit which is easily corrected by proper, supportive shoes. None of these things cause any real problems or affect her.  I am so proud to say she has been ahead of her age group through maturity and communication skills. People ALWAYS think she is older than she is due to this and a decent height on her. Seems like all the time I have spent teaching her letters, numbers and reading with her has paid off! 

She has such great taste when it comes to food too! She is my fruit and veggie girl and I couldn’t be happier! She was offered her first donut at around 22 months and she didn’t even want it, she wanted a banana instead. She often will clear her veggie section off her plate before anything else.  Getting her to drink milk took a longgg time, I never thought it would happen. I think she was spoiled by breast milk for 15 months and was not happy with the new option. She finally does drink it though, as long as it is mixed with chocolate.  She has no problem with it in her cereal or a smoothie as well. That was truly a battle I wasn’t sure I was going to get past but they say to just keep trying which is what I did. Little ones taste buds change so fast and so often. 

Miss Personality
early not expecting tantrums to go away anytime soon since we have officially hit the “terrible two’s” which I’m convinced should come with a free prescription to a strong aspirin and a free weekly wine and coffee delivery for every mother out there. There has to be funding available for this program somewhere….

I have learned a lot about myself in the past two years as well. This was not my ideal situation. I never imagined being a single mom, moving back home to live with my parents and raise a child alone.  No one plans on something like that but you just deal with the cards you are dealt. I won’t sugar coat it, it’s hard, there are days I wish I could call in sick, I want to have my own tantrum and there have been multiple mommy meltdowns. Exhaustion….hah….I certainly know the true meaning of that word.  When Aubrey was 15 months old and I was visiting my old friends in LA, I went out for one night because a fellow couple with a son two months older than Aubrey insisted I get out and they take her for an overnight. I cried after leaving her because I had never left her before. That in two years, has been my only night out away from her.  That’s it. She has sat on my lap for dentist appts, Dr. appts, chiropractor appts and I have even rocked her to sleep while recovering from a foot surgery, lifted myself up with one hand, on one foot and got her in the crib while pretty crippled. I’ve discovered I do have a Super Mom gene in me I can tap into. She’s healthy and happy and we have made it this far.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wish I had help…that I have cursed her father’s name many times in my head for leaving all this responsibility on me. It has been exciting to see other friends go through pregnancies and have babies and many about to welcome babies this year but I do sometimes envy that they have a happy, joyful, celebrated pregnancy and someone supporting them by their side.  When they are in the hospital, their significant other will be there to hold their hand and endure all the future sleepless nights and help change diapers. I just want a break to blog more (sorry I haven't been able to!), clip coupons and cook without someone always wanting to help or hang off me every time. For goodness sakes I dream about going to Target alone, with a Starbucks in hand and my coupons for a few hours to just walk around and mosey and take a few breaths to myself.  

Yet I find on a hard day, my daughter who is sensitive to any emotion, who sees if for some reason I look the slightest bit upset, asks me “What’s wrong Mommy?” and offers me a big hug…she can put a smile back on my face in a second. She lights me up all over again. She has the most incredible personality. She is caring, thoughtful, funny, sarcastic, stubborn, playful, intelligent, silly, SASSY, divalicious, full of the most contagious laughter and most importantly SO SO SO LOVING.  For someone with such tiny arms, she gives the biggest, warmest hugs you could ask for. She gives the best kisses you could ever want…and the way she says “I love you” just melts your heart into a million pieces and brings tears to your eyes. When you wake up from a long night of sharing your bed with a toddler and they wake you up to say, “Mommy, I missed you!” and give you a big hug…you can’t help but start the day with a smile no matter how tired you are. 

Aubrey is two. And I know that the time is only going to go by faster and I am going to the hottest mess you can imagine dropping her off at daycare when that comes this year. But I am so blessed everyday to be her Mommy.  I am so grateful for being able to spend 24/7 with her these past few years because I realize I’ll be missing it someday. Someday she won’t want to cuddle. Someday she won’t let me kiss her goodbye in front of her friends or let me hold her hand to cross the street. I don’t want to think about that “some day” now but all of us who have children know that it is inevitable.  I look forward to this next year and seeing how much she grows and changes. I’m excited for the growing and changing we will do together as well as embark on a new journey back to living in Los Angeles. I know it won’t always be easy, but as long as I have my little princess with me, as long as I have her hugs and kissed I know everything will be alright. 

At the end of Aubrey’s birthday, before she got in bed, I gave her a big hug and told her, “Happy Birthday baby, I love you.” She took my face in her hands and said, “I love you so much” and proceeded to give me the biggest hug and my eyes welled with tears. It was the greatest way to end such a fun, amazing day with her. That’s when it really hit me...the days are long but the years fly by. Cherish them, cherish every single day because before we know it, our little ones will spreading their wings and flying off on their own to create their own life journey. I hope you all have days and years full of laughter, hugs and tantrums because without the tantrums it wouldn’t make the other days seem so much better! <3

                                          Happy Birthday Aubrey Rose! Mommy loves you!

Highlights from her 2nd Birthday:


It was a great birthday! She was so tired!